What does it mean to worship God?

Woman worshipping

You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

1 PETER 2:9 (emphasis added)

Worship — to express honor to God through extravagant respect, reverence, and devotion.

What are you grateful for? When life is good, we tend to take basic things for granted, like having enough food and a safe place to sleep, enjoying good health and people who love us, etc. But research shows that being intentional to “count our blessings” makes our lives better.1

Maybe you already practice gratitude. Do you also reflect on where your good things come from? The apostle Paul reminded his friend Timothy that God “gives us all we need for our enjoyment.” (1 Timothy 6:17 NLT) What can we do to respond to this truth?

Honor the Lord for the glory of his name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.


Think about this: God made His own universe. He built one of His planets with an atmosphere that could sustain life, where he placed humans… and gave them everything they would ever need. And then, in spite of all our faults and failings (in fact, because of them) He invited us to join His family, adopting us as His daughters and sons. That’s reason to celebrate Him!

Lord, you are our most powerful king. Your name is famous in all the wide world.… When I look at your skies that your fingers made, I see the moon, I see the stars.… Then I ask: Why do you remember men and women? What makes you visit them? You made their place a little below God.… You made them to rule everything that your hands made. You put everything under their feet.

PSALMS 8:1, 3-8

Here are 3 practical ways we can worship God:

Sing Praise

James says that when things are going well, we should sing praises to God. Don’t know any songs you can sing to Him? Then you’re in for a real treat: you can find thousands of songs that will help you give glory to God. Whatever your taste in music, it’s a safe bet that talented artists have created worship in that style.

Challenge: Look for “worship,” “praise,” and “Christian music” on any streaming services you use. It’s worth investing some time to explore.

Thank Him in Prayer

When Jesus was teaching His disciples to pray, he told them to start like this: “Our Father in heaven, help us to honor your name.” It’s fine to ask God for things, but real relationship includes both take and give. But what do we have to offer God? Our honor, respect, and gratitude.

Challenge: At least once a day for the next week, go to God in prayer, and thank Him for something He’s done for you, without asking Him for anything.

Share Your Story

The writer of Hebrews encourages us to honor God by “proclaiming our allegiance to his name.” God is always working for good for the people who love Him. Isn’t it thrilling to know that God chose you for a specific purpose in His kingdom? Are you actively spreading the word about God’s goodness?

Challenge: This week, anytime you’re talking with friends, watch for natural opportunities to share some of what God is doing in your life.

These are just a few suggestions to help you start turning intimacy with God into a daily rhythm. Explore more ways to begin worshipping God in one of the Plans below.

See Plans

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Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.

PSALM 100:1-5


1 Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life.

Who will pray for you?

Encourage-Inspire-Love-Challenge-Pray for one another…

Who do you know that will…

encourage you?

Friends on hike

“I was reading through the Psalms on my phone. I asked my husband if he minded if I read the chapter out loud in a couple of different translations. Since that day, we read a chapter or two together every night before we turn off the lights. It has totally changed the dynamics of our marriage.”

Debbie L.

love you?

Friends on beach at sunset

inspire you?

Friends on walk in field

“I have greater access to the Mind of God through perspectives of friends. I’ve also connected with many friends around the world, and we share and encourage one another. Awesome!”

Eme I.

challenge you?

Friends on top of mountain

pray for you?

Friends praying for man

The Bible is filled with stories of people celebrating together in good times… and helping each other through hard times. You need relationships with close friends you can trust. And they need you.

Invite friends to join you in the Bible App.

Find Friends

Challenge: Accomplished 🏅

2019 Mid-Year Challenge - Man smiling

It’s Only the Beginning…

Over the past two weeks, we invited you, our global YouVersion Community, to join us in pursuing intimacy with God by completing the 2019 Mid-Year Challenge.

Your dedication to growing closer with God and one another encourages us. Over 1.2 million Badges were awarded and 56 million Plan days completed!

Keep Your Momentum Going:

The statistics from past Challenges are clear: once you establish a daily routine for several weeks, that can help you maintain your new habit and achieve longer Streaks and Perfect Weeks in the Bible.

With thousands of Plans to choose from, you’ll always have a reason to spend daily time with God. Let’s make the most of the rest of 2019… together:

Find Your Next Plan

2019 Mid-Year Challenge Badge

To everyone who participated: Thank you! You will be receiving your 2019 Mid-Year Challenge badge within the next couple of days. (You can find your badge in the “Badges” section of your Bible App.)

Family Time = The Best Time

Train up children in the way they should go [teaching them to seek God's wisdom and will for their abilities and talents]. Even when they're old, they won't depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6 - Family sitting on grass playing Bible App for Kids

Make the most of Family Time.

When you create safe spaces for your kids to play, experiment, ask questions, and most of all — to have fun with you — you build long-term trust and a deeper relationship. Here are some fun, easy activities you can do with your kids to make the most of your time together.

Take a nature walk.

Where you go doesn’t matter, as long as you’re together. Along the way, talk about God’s place in your family, and about your place in His family.

Play “Where are we?”

Take selfies together with fun or mysterious backgrounds, then post them for your friends and family to guess.

Decorate your Family Verse.

Pick a verse, write it in fancy letters on nice paper, and decorate it together. Examples: Unity, Generosity, Humility, Love, or find your own.

Explore God’s Word Together

Get free resources like coloring sheets, family challenges, parent guides, and streaming Bible videos at BibleAppforKids.com.

Get More Resources

It’s the final countdown!

2019 Mid-Year Challenge - Woman reading Plan on phone

You can still join the Mid-Year Challenge!

If you’ve started the Mid-Year Challenge, you already know how transformational daily time with God can be. Eyes on the prize — keep going!

But if you haven’t started yet, it’s not too late! God has amazing plans for your life, and this is a great way to get into the daily rhythm of seeking His heart. Complete at least one Plan day, every day, for seven days in a row by July 24th, and you’ll earn our 2019 Mid-Year Challenge badge!

…The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me.

JOHN 15:5b

Today is the last day to start, so pick a Plan, invite some friends to join you, and try having Alexa or Google Assistant read your Plan to you.

See our blog for all the details on Mid-Year Challenge.

Woman reading Plan on phone

Still looking for a Plan?

Try one of these…

How Is Your Heart Today?
Stop It! No More Worry
How To Be Happy
My Time With God Study
Forgiving Those Who Wound Us
Fighting For My Marriage

Explore More Plans