Let God’s Word speak peace to you.

Announcing YouVersion Rest

YouVersion Rest reads you Psalms in a soothing voice, with soft, peaceful sounds in the background, like ocean waves or rain. This all-new, completely free experience is available now for Amazon and Google voice devices, YouTube, and the Bible App.

Amazon Alexa

Amazon Alexa

The first time you run YouVersion Rest, Alexa asks you some setup questions, like which sound you want as your background, and whether you want your Psalms read in a male or female voice.

To start YouVersion Rest, just say:
“Alexa, open YouVersion Rest.”

To use a different background in YouVersion Rest, just say:
“Alexa, ask YouVersion Rest to change my background.”

Google Assistant

Google Assistant

The first time you run YouVersion Rest, Google Assistant asks you some setup questions, like which sound you want as your background, and whether you want your Psalms read in a male or female voice.

To start YouVersion Rest, just say:
“Ok Google, talk to YouVersion Rest.”

To use a different background in YouVersion Rest, just say:
“OK Google, ask YouVersion Rest to change my background.”



Visit the YouVersion Rest Playlist on YouTube.

Bible App

YouVersion Bible App

Visit the YouVersion Rest Video Collection in the Bible App.

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