February’s Plans feature biblical foundations for marriage, meeting the Gospel Christ, and devotionals for Lent.


He Is Risen…

Easter is just around the corner. These select plans can help you prepare your heart to receive our risen Savior:

In Our Place: Lenten Devotions
from Time of Grace, 14 days

Lent for Everyone
from N. T. Wright, 53 days

Devotions for Lent
from Holy Bible: Mosaic, 46 days

from YouVersion, 14 days

from YouVersion, 3 weeks

Psalms & Proverbs
from YouVersion, 372 days

40 Days of Lent
from Journey Church, 47 days

Interviews show top football players love the Bible App

Sunday, February 1, will be the the biggest day of the year in American sports. And although the top two teams in American football will face off as rivals on the field, several players from both sides share a love for the Bible. Thanks to YouVersion partner The Increase, hear some of the greatest players in American football tell why they love the Bible App:



And here’s a bonus video, captured by our friends at 1615.tv at Media Day talking with players from the Patriots and Seahawks about their love for the Bible:


Spread the Word.

Just like you, they love being able to read God’s Word anytime, anywhere with the Bible App. Whether it’s sharing the Verse of the Day, adding Bookmarks, or listening to audio Bibles, we’re all part of the same global community of people seeking God through His Word.


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Take it Further

Now is a great time to take a look at this special Bible Plan from The Increase. In this 3-week devotional, professional athletes from the NFL and MLB share the Bible passages that mean the most to them — and the stories behind them.

Start Plan

You’ve read the Bible, but have you heard it?

Let the Bible App Read to you.

Just imagine listening to God’s Word while you exercise, while you get ready for work, during your commute — or whenever you want.* It’s easy! Inside the Bible App:

  • When reading the Bible, tap the version abbreviation at the top of the app.
  • Select any version with a speaker icon next to it.
  • Tap the Play button.


Start Listening Now

Now listen to The Message!

The Message was written to recapture the conversational style of the original documents that made up what we call the New Testament, translating God’s Word into our everyday language. The Message’s smooth, casual flow helps you engage easily with the Bible, so you can better understand its stories and ideas. And now for the first time ever, YouVersion partners NavPress and Oasis Audio are generously making the audio version of The Message available to the worldwide YouVersion community!

*Audio Bibles are best experienced over Wi-Fi. If you don’t have Wi-Fi available when you listen, be aware of your device plan’s data limits and restrictions.

The worldwide YouVersion community just shattered all previous records

More and more people are exploring God’s story and discovering their place in it every day — to the tune of more than 4 million new Plan subscriptions during the last month alone. That’s a 68% increase over the same period last year! And the YouVersion community is finishing Plans in record numbers. During that same month, readers completed more than 1.3 million Plans. That’s the most Plans ever completed in a single month — a 69% increase over last year!

What are Bible Plans?

When you subscribe to a Bible Plan, the Bible App gives you a brief passage to read (or listen to) each day. Plans draw you into the Bible every day, helping you meditate on what God’s Word means in your life. And here are just a few examples of the 133 Plans we’ve added in just the last three months:

How to Get Through What You’re Going Through
Rick Warren, 5 days

He Walks Among Us: Devotions
Rich and Reneeé Stearns, 7 days

Experiencing God’s Best
R.C. Sproul, 10 days

Discover God’s Dream for You
Jennie Allen, 14 days

Don’t miss out.

Clearly, something big is happening.  If you’re ready for a new Plan or you’ve never tried one before, why not take that first, simple step right now:

Find a Plan

“A Voice in the Night” – Samuel’s Story Joins The Bible App for Kids

In the newest story from the Bible App for Kids, “A Voice in the Night,” Samuel hears God’s voice for the first time. Based on 1 Samuel chapter 1, verse 2:11, and chapter 3, Samuel goes to live with Eli at the temple. One night, Samuel thinks his teacher Eli is calling him from the next room — until Eli realizes that it’s God who’s calling Samuel.


Eli tells Samuel how he can listen for God’s voice, and how he should respond when God speaks. Of course, Samuel grows up to become an important prophet, sharing the things that God tells him with all of God’s people. But Samuel’s story begins when he first makes the choice to listen for God’s voice.


All you need to do to get “A Voice in the Night” is open the Bible App for Kids and tap the new story icon. And if you don’t have the Bible App for Kids yet, it’s easy to get, and always free! Just click one of the buttons below.


The Bible App for Kids icon

About the Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App™, designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on over 5 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world are now enjoying the Bible App for Kids — in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Brazilian Portuguese!


Get it now


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