Plans to Help Prepare You for Easter

cross of christ built into a brick wallToday is Ash Wednesday, the first day of the Christian tradition of Lent. During these 40 days leading up to Easter (April 20), followers of Christ prepare their hearts by turning their minds away from the physical to the spiritual. YouVersion offers several Bible plans that can help you reflect on God’s Word every day between now and Easter:

  • Lent For Everyoneis a devotional featuring a daily reading from Matthew and inspirational words for reflection from renowned New Testament scholar N.T. Wright. 53 days
  • 40 Days of Lent chronologically traces Jesus’ last week on earth, through the New Testament gospel accounts. The seven Sundays are days of rest, according to tradition. 47 days
  • ReThink Life: 40 Day Devotional presents Scripture, key thoughts, and prayer to challenge you to “rethink” seven important areas in your life. 40 days
  • Hillsong: 40 Days of Revival reveals attributes from history’s greatest revivals — presence, prayer, purity, power, personal sacrifice, and praise — to help you know God and His ways.40 days

Whether you prefer reading the Bible or hearing it read to you, you can find many more plans at

The most important things in our lives are worth sharing. Tell your friends which Bible plan you’re committing to—and ask them to join you! Then keep sharing what you’re reading and learning, all the way up to Easter Sunday. Online, the worldwide YouVersion community will be using the hashtag #PreparingForEaster.


Prepare for Easter: Share in God’s Word with Friends

Preparing for EasterPeople around the world will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday, April 20. Traditionally, many individuals use Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter, as a time to reflect and repent. During this time, we choose to actively prepare our hearts to receive the gift Jesus gave us through the Cross.

Consider making the Bible an intentional part of your day—every day—between now and Easter Sunday. The most important things in our lives are worth sharing with friends and family, so ask some of your favorite people to join you in seeking God through His Word. Make time each day to check in with each other. Talk about what you’re reading and encourage each other, spurring one another on toward Christ.

Each of these Bible plans were developed specifically to help get us all into the spirit of Lent. Pick one that works for you:

Lent For Everyone is a devotional featuring a daily reading from Matthew and inspirational words for reflection from renowned New Testament scholar N.T. Wright. From SPCK Publishing. 53 days

40 Days of Lent chronologically traces Jesus’ last week on earth, through the New Testament gospel accounts. The seven Sundays are days of rest, according to tradition. From Journey Church. 47 days

Devotions for Lent from Holy Bible: Mosaic brings together quotes, readings, and Scripture to focus your mind on Christ. From Tyndale House Publishers. 46 days

ReThink Life: 40 Day Devotional presents Scripture, key thoughts, and prayer to challenge you to “rethink” seven important areas in your life. From ReThink. 40 days

Hillsong: 40 Days of Revival reveals attributes from history’s greatest revivals — presence, prayer, purity, power, personal sacrifice, and praise — to help you know God and His ways. From Hillsong. 40 days

The 40-Day New Testament Challenge leads you through the entire New Testament in just 40 days, taking off Sundays as traditional days of rest. From Margaret Feinberg. 40 days

Whether you prefer listening or reading, of course you’ll find plenty more Bible plans to choose from at

“God’s Wonderful Gift” Now Available on the Bible App for Kids

The newest story, "God's Wonderful Gift", is now available!

The newest story in the Bible App for Kids is here! Your kids will love “God’s Wonderful Gift”, the eighth story in the Bible App for Kids! Based on Acts 2:1–47, “God’s Wonderful Gift” uses delightful graphics and interactive storytelling to teach your kids about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit. Update your app to get the story now.

Haven’t heard of the Bible App for Kids? It’s the newest app from YouVersion, featuring colorful, fun Bible stories designed specifically to engage children. Available for any iOS, Android, or Kindle Fire device, the Bible App for Kids has already been downloaded more than 2 million times.. And the Bible App for Kids is always completely free! Get yours right now at

Plans Explore Love from God’s Perspective

Around this time of year, one topic seems to dominate thoughts and conversation throughout our culture: Love. As you might expect, the Bible actually offers a lot of insight on this subject. Here are just a few Plans that can help you understand God’s love, both for you and for those around you:

  • The Gift of God’s Love Learn how our modern perspective of romantic, worldly love is different from God’s sincere, enduring, perfect love. 13 days
  • Falling In Love Again With Your Lord In this exploration of Psalm 63, dive deep into what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength… and to be loved by Him. 10 days
  • Marriage: A Lifelong Journey Building a lasting relationship is hard work, but that effort reveals treasures all throughout your life together. 7 days
  • Love and Marriage Intended for married couples (or those who want to marry), each day features Scripture and quick thoughts designed to initiate discussion and prayer. 5 days

Plans in Action

Engaging daily with the Bible can change your life:

“Thank you for such a wonderful app! Reading ‘21 days of Powerful Breakthroughs’ and ‘Made to Crave,’ I’m overwhelmed with what I’ve gained from both!” —Karen H.

During just the first 36 days of 2014, the YouVersion community completed more than 1 million Plans! Come see for yourself what the excitement is all about. You can find Plans about love and relationships — and so much more — right now at

21-Day Challenge Winners

21 Day Challenge 512On January 21, we invited everyone to join us for the 21-Day Challenge. Registered YouVersion community users who completed each scheduled day of any YouVersion Bible Plan or combination of Plans from January 21 through February 10 had their names entered into a random drawing. The prizes being awarded are five iPad minis, five Nexus 7 tablets, and 21 YouVersion prize packs. (Refer to original blog post for full contest rules.) The results are in, the custom 2014 badges are on their way to your inboxes, and we’re excited to announce the prize winners!*

iPad minis & Nexus 7s (Don’t forget to install the Bible App, first thing!)

Judy B. – Larry B. – Eric E. – Yashica K. – Nana M.

Tomika G. – Ed H. – Stephanie S. – Elaine W. – Weston S.

YouVersion T-Shirt and Sticker Pack. Congratulations to these 21 users:

Hsein C (Singapore) Amanda D. (United States)
Jason W (United States) Ruth P. (Jamaica)
Raahnisi (Vietnam) Invaildo R. (Brazil)
Yassa (United States) Gab S. (Mexico)
Ramey (United States) Tom T. (United States)
Atabong N. (Camaroon) Unathi M. (Zimbabwe)
LaQuinta P. (United States) Kevin A. (Indonesia)
Amber G. (United States) Jessie G. (United States)
Damaris H. (Chile) Trinette B. (United States)
Vincent  W. (United States) Jukka H. (Finland)
Margaret M. (Great Britain)

We hope that joining us for the challenge during these last 3 weeks helped you firmly establish your own daily Bible reading habit. More importantly, we hope this time brought you closer to God as you enjoyed spending time with Him each day in His Word. And now, even though the challenge is over, there’s no reason to stop! With more than 600 Reading Plans, your next plan is already waiting for you. Besides our lucky winners, we’d like to thank everyone else who participated in the 21-Day Challenge! If it hasn’t already posted, your special 21-Day Challenge badge should show up on your YouVersion profile sometime during the next week.

*Winners can expect to receive prizes within the next 7–10 business days. All correspondence with YouVersion to confirm winners’ shipping address will take place through the email address used when you registered your free YouVersion account.