New YouVersion WordPress Plugin Available Now

The YouVersion team has been working hard on some great things that will be announced soon. In the mean time, we wanted to continue rolling out little goodies for you to enjoy and the YouVersion WordPress Plugin is one of them. We’re awaiting approval in the WordPress Plugin Directory, but until then you can download the plugin directly here.

Our newest WP plugin is simple and echoes the core function of the first YouVersion plugin. With the new plugin you’ll be able to quickly and easily link to Bible verses from your WordPress blog posts or pages using a simple tag structure. Here’s a quick example:

What you type in the WordPress text editor: “The Bible says in [youversion]Acts 1:8[/youversion] that we will be His witnesses.”

What your website visitors see on the published post/page: “The Bible says in Acts 1:8 that we will be His witnesses.”

The new plugin also gives you the ability to set a default Bible version that you’d like to link to as well as the ability to link to spans of verses within the same chapter, like Acts 1:8-11.

We hope you enjoy the new YouVersion WordPress plugin and we can’t wait to tell you all about all the amazing things we’ve been working on for the past few weeks.

YouVersion Bible App for iPhone & iPod Touch Update: Enhanced Bible Reading & Bug Fixes

The most recent update to the YouVersion iPhone app is now available in iTunes! We’re excited to tell you about what’s included with this release:

Enhanced Bible Reading Features (by popular demand!)

  • ~ Landscape mode in main Bible reader: To read the Bible in landscape mode, tilt your iPhone or iPod Touch to the left 90’. You’ll be able to read the Bible in full, wide screen style while still having the ability to interact with Bible verses and move to the next or previous chapter.
  • ~ Full Bible interaction in reading plan reader: Now you can interact with Bible verses from within the reading plan reader. While you’re completing your daily Bible reading, you’ll be able to share a verse with a friend through email or Twitter, view contributions from other YouVersion users, or bookmark a verse for later reference.

Bug Fixes

  • ~ Losing offline data: Some users were experiencing a loss of offline Bible versions and/or bookmarks intermittently. This should no longer happen.
  • ~ Poor handling of connection loss: In previous versions, losing your data connection would cause an infinite loading spinner or an app crash. Connection loss is handled more gracefully now.
  • ~ Incomplete reading plan selections: After changing the start/end dates for a reading plan, some users reported not seeing that change fully take place within the YouVersion iPhone app. That bug is squashed and all changes made on to a reading plan should be seen within the app.
  • ~ iPod Touch problems: iPod Touch users were experiencing odd activity when outside the range of wifi including the inability to open the app or the loss of offline Bible versions. Those issues have been addressed.
  • ~ Dock icons reset in “Airplane Mode”: Some users reported losing the custom order of icons in the dock within the YouVersion iPhone app when opening the app in “Airplane Mode”. We fixed this too.

The YouVersion app for iPhone and iPod touch has experienced amazing growth in the past 6-8 months. With more than 2 million YouVersion users on Apple’s mobile platform alone, the iPhone and iPod touch have become remarkable tools for people around the world to engage with God’s Word wherever they are.

We hope you love the latest feature additions and bug fixes included in this update. If you have any feedback, questions, feature requests, or encouragement please let us know at You can also join the conversation on Twitter ( or Facebook (

And for all the iPad fans, we’re working hard on bringing an amazing Bible reading experience to that device and we’re looking forward to unveiling it soon.

Win a FREE Unlocked Google Nexus One Phone!

Over the next four weeks we’ll be giving away a few highly coveted YouVersion T-shirts, a bunch of nifty YouVersion stickers, and the big grand prize…an Unlocked ( engraved) Nexus One phone! Since YouVersion puts the Bible on every web enabled smartphone in the world, we decided to give away the latest mobile gadget available. That makes sense, right? Well, we also have a killer Android Bible App that runs perfectly and looks beautiful on the Nexus One!

We know you want to put your name in the hat to win a Nexus One phone, so here are the details for the giveaway:

  • – We’ll do four weekly drawings leading up to the Nexus One giveaway. At each drawing we’ll give away a free YouVersion T-shirt and a handful of YouVersion stickers. (Drawing dates: February 24, March 3, March 10, March 17)
  • – The final drawing for the Nexus One will take place on March 17 and will coincide with the end of the South by Southwest conference (SXSW), where YouVersion will be a topic of discussion among thousands of web and software developers and designers from around the world.
  • – Go to to sign up for the giveaway. Make sure to follow the directions!

What are you waiting for? Go for it!

Register to Win!

4 Million Mobile Users and Growing

We are continually blown away by the growth of YouVersion and want to thank you for the huge part you’ve played. Sharing Scripture, your reading plans, and YouVersion Live events on Twitter and Facebook or by email has caused God’s Word to spread faster than it ever has before…virally. Keep it up!

We wanted to take a moment and celebrate passing a big milestone: 4 million YouVersion mobile app users on the iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Java, and Palm. Here is what the growth curve looked like over the past 6 months:

It’s exciting to see so many people engaging with Scripture on their mobile devices, as well as the growing momentum of YouVersion mobile apps. Each month, 500,000-600,000 new users install the YouVersion Bible app on their phone or mobile device. Here is a look at our top 3 mobile platforms over the past 6 months:

Top 5 iPhone Devices:

  1. 1. iPhone 3G
  2. 2. iPod Touch
  3. 3. iPhone 3GS
  4. 4. iPhone Edge
  5. 5. iPod Touch (first generation)

-We also see some iPad users have YouVersion installed!

Top 5 Blackberry Devices:

  1. 1. 8300/ Curve
  2. 2. 8330m/ Curve
  3. 3. 8900/Curve
  4. 4. 9000/Bold
  5. 5. 9630/Tour

Top 5 Android Devices:Top 5 Android Devices:

  1. 1. T-Mobile G1
  2. 2. Motorola Droid
  3. 3. T-Mobile MyTouch
  4. 4. HTC Hero
  5. 5. HTC Eris

We’re passionate about mobile because it’s proven incredibly effective in allowing millions of people around the world to access Scripture. As you may remember, just over a month ago we celebrated that YouVersion users had spent over one billion minutes reading the Bible on their mobile devices and we expect to hit 2 billion very soon.

Because we’re so excited about hitting this milestone we’re going to follow it up with a little celebration. So take a moment to subscribe in the sidebar follow us on Twitter or become a Fan on Facebook and stay in the loop!

NEW YouVersion Bible App for Palm’s WebOS!

The new YouVersion Bible app for Palm’s WebOS platform was approved and released in Palm’s App Catalog early last week. We’re excited for this release and have big plans for future development on the WebOS platform. You can download the app now from Palm’s website ( or search for “youversion” in the App Catalog on your Palm Pre or Pixi.

This release represents our first effort at providing a robust YouVersion Bible application for Palm’s budding platform and should be considered a “beta” release for two reasons.

Functionality is limited to what is possible on our mobile website. This beta release is a simple embedded browser that makes accessing our mobile website ( quick and easy.
We have big plans for future iterations of this application to bring it from “beta” stage to a full-featured native YouVersion Bible app.

We love our Palm users…you’re some of the most vocal and passionate users we have and we’re aware of your deep desire to see YouVersion be amazing on WebOS phones. We share in that desire, and are excited to see the webOS platform grow and expand so we can expand our development efforts. Look for more webOS updates throughout the year.