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“Before the Bible App, I struggled to maintain a relationship with God for most of my life. I feel like God sent this Bible App to me because since I downloaded it, I’ve grown a lot in my spiritual life and relationship with God.


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When Disappointment Strikes

Person looking out over water

“It wasn’t supposed to be this way.”

We don’t always understand God’s will. And, if we’re being honest, there are times when we don’t like His will, either.

When grief lands on our doorstep.

When we’re not sure if we can cope.

When we think about what could have been.

Wrestling with our deepest pain is hard. But if the Bible doesn’t hide stories about suffering, neither should we.

Whatever you’re facing right now—it’s not the end of your story. God is with you, and always will be.

Discover how to process unmet expectations and painful situations with these Plans.

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