YouVersion Has 71 New Audio Bibles, in 68 Languages

Man walking listening on headphones

If you already use YouVersion to connect with God’s Word, chances are that’s because we have a version (or several) that you enjoy. And although many people don’t have even one Bible in their language, some of our visionary partners are actively working to get God’s Word translated for them.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17

And, thanks to our Bible publishing partners, during just the last six months, YouVersion has added 71 new Audio Bibles in 68 languages. (See the list of the most recent below. See our recently added Bible texts here.) That means that today, we offer 576 Audio Bibles in 421 languages!

Several Bible versions—like the New International Version—even offer more than one Audio Bible, with more audio options on the way. Check the complete list to see which ones are in your preferred language. And share this page with your friends!

Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this move of God that’s happening now. When you contribute to our Bible for Everyone campaign, all donations go directly to the next high-value translation project in our queue.1

Audio sound level graph

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Recently Added Audio Bibles

Bengali (Bangla) – বাংলা
Bengali Common Language Bible (পবিএ বাইবেল)

Telugu – తెలుగు
Telugu Old Version Bible (పరిశుద్ధ గ్రంథము)

Tamil – தமிழ்
Tamil Older Version Bible (பரிசுத்த வேதாகமம்)

Gujarati – ગુજરાતી
Gujarati Common Language Bible (પવિત્ર બાઇબલ)

Kannada – ಕನ್ನಡ
Kannada Common Language Bible (ಕನ್ನಡ ಸತ್ಯವೇದವು)

Malayalam – മലയാളം
Malayalam Older Version Bible (സത്യവേദപുസ്തകം)

Panjabi – ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
Punjabi Old Version Bible (ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਬਾਈਬਲ)

Bulgarian – български
Contemporary Bulgarian Translation (with Deuterocanon) [Библия, нов превод от оригиналните езици (с неканоничните книги)]

Tatar – Татарча
Tatar Bible (Изге Язма)

Goan Konkani – Konkani
Konkani Goan New Testament (Novo Korar NT)

Bemba (Zambia) – Chibemba
Revised Bemba Bible 2015 (Ishiwi Lyakwa Lesa 2015)

See All Audio Bibles Available on YouVersion


1 All contributions received through the #BibleForEveryone campaign will be used exclusively for the purpose of Bible translation. Life.Church is contributing $1 million over the four-year period from 2017-2020. During each calendar year, Life.Church is contributing $250,000, spread across different, high-impact translation projects. As each project is completed, any remaining funds are then applied toward the next translation project, as selected by YouVersion and its partners. (See original blog post for full details.)

YouVersion Has 139 New Bible Versions, in 114 Languages

Person reading Bible on phone

Thanks to the generosity of our Bible publishing partners, in just the last six months, YouVersion has added 139 more Bible versions, in 114 languages. (See the list of the most recent below. See our recently added Audio Bibles here.) That means we now offer more than 2,000 Bible versions, representing almost 1,400 languages! See if your preferred language is there, and share this page with your friends!

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17

It used to take decades to translate the Bible into a new language, typeset it, print it, and distribute it. Today, thanks to improved travel and communication, new technologies for translation, and innovation in managing projects, that time has been reduced to as little as three years. And today, as soon as we have the final digital files, we can have a new Bible version available worldwide… within minutes.

You can take part in this global move of God that’s happening right now. Support Bible for Everyone, and your donation will go directly to the next high-value translation project in our queue.1

Give Now

Recently Added Bible Versions

Azerbaijani – Azərbaycanca
Azerbaijani Bible 2008 (Azərbaycan Bibliyası 200)

Armenian (Eastern) – հայերեն (արևելահայերեն)
New Revised Ararat Bible (Նոր վերանայված Արարատ Աստվածաշունչ)

Georgian – ქართული
Georgian Bible with DC (ბიბლია)

Kyrghyz – Kirghiz
New Testament LS 2005 [Инжил ЛС (2005)]

Waray (Philippines)
Samarenyo Meaning-Based Bible (1984)

Kabardian New Testament, Genesis, Psalms (ХъыбарыфӀыр. ЩӀэдзапӀэр. Уэрэд ЛъапӀэхэр)

Nyakyusa New Testament (Ʉlwitɨkano Ʉlʉpya)

The New Testament in the Giryama language of Kenya [Kilagane Kisha (Kenya)]



Dangme New Testament Version 1977 (Somi He Ɔ)

Red Letter Dagbani Bible (Naawuni Kundi Kasi)

Southern Dagaare – Dagaare
Dagaare New Testament (Naaŋmen Nɔpaalaa Gane)

See All Bible Versions Available on YouVersion


1 All contributions received through the #BibleForEveryone campaign will be used exclusively for the purpose of Bible translation. Life.Church is contributing $1 million over the four-year period from 2017-2020. During each calendar year, Life.Church is contributing $250,000, spread across different, high-impact translation projects. As each project is completed, any remaining funds are then applied toward the next translation project, as selected by YouVersion and its partners. (See original blog post for full details.)

Get the all-new Bible Storybook from the Bible App for Kids

The all-new Bible Storybook from the Bible App for Kids

Bible Storybook from the Bible App for Kids includes 35 favorite Bible stories, fun illustrations, and discussion questions. Segues between stories guide young readers as they journey to become closer to God and understand the bigger story of God’s Word.

The King and the Kingdom from the Bible Storybook

Children will delight in reading about Abraham’s trust, Elijah’s boldness, Esther’s bravery, Jesus’s compassion, Paul’s faithful service, and more! The engaging stories, detailed illustrations, and family-friendly discussion questions in Bible Storybook from the Bible App for Kids will help you create God-focused family time whether at bedtime, for family devotions, or simply as a fun read-aloud time.

Guide your kids to be closer to God as you share the stories of His plan for His people and His unfailing love for each of us.

Get the Storybook

Choose your friends wisely.

This is My commandment, that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another, just as I have loved you. No one has greater love than to lay down his own life for his friends. - John 15: 12-13 - Verse Image

Community — a body of individuals who unite together in fellowship, sharing attitudes, interests, and goals.

Glance to your left, then to your right. Who’s standing beside you? Would you consider them friends? Is the time that you spend together making all of you better people? Or do things you do together sometimes lead you to regret?

Anyone who walks with wise people grows wise. But a companion of foolish people suffers harm.


Relationships are like nutrition for your soul. Do the people closest to you make you healthier? Or do you binge on junk food together? You are directly influenced by the people you spend the most time with. Even if you feel like you’re different from them right now, in five years… you won’t be.

…that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

1 CORINTHIANS 12:25-27

God made us to need each other. We all have different gifts and strengths, different failings and weaknesses. When we join together, we can look out for one another, help each other, encourage one another, and even challenge each other to grow.

Here are 3 simple things you can do to start building your community:

Cross the Street

Do you know your neighbors? If you live on the same street, or even in the same building, you already have something in common. Don’t overthink this. Jesus loves your neighbor. Maybe you will too… and you just don’t know it yet.

Challenge: Start a conversation with a handshake and, “I’m sorry, we haven’t met before. My name is _____. What’s yours?” Even if you’re shy, you only have to be brave for 30 seconds.

Share an Experience

We all have things we need to talk about, challenges that would be helpful to process in conversation. And we all have something to offer, even if it’s just a sympathetic ear.

Challenge: Invite a friend to do something together: share a meal, tackle a backyard project, or just take a walk. Talk about whatever. Just be honest, and get real.

Invite Deeper Friendships

The Bible reminds us again and again that we need relationships with people we can trust: Close friends who will encourage you, inspire you, challenge you, love you, and pray for you. And they need you to do the same for them.

Challenge: Invite a friend (or 3) to join you in the Bible App, then do a Plan together.

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So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.


I lift up my eyes to the mountains

Psalm 121 - I will life up my eyes to the hills

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber

indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand

the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life

the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Read Psalm 121 in the NKJV