He broke records as the first four-time consecutive winner of the CrossFit Games (2011-2014), then again as captain of the Crossfit Games’ current Team Division champions, Mayhem Freedom. Dubbed the “Fittest Man in History” in the documentary Froning, devoted family man and elite athlete Rich Froning is foremost a passionate follower of Christ, seeking to glorify God in every area of his life.
In this exclusive YouVersion video, Rich opens up about his faith journey, revealing how God’s Word has shaped his life, his career, and his relationships.
Whatever season of life you’re in, let Rich’s story inspire and uplift you as you pursue your own intimacy with God. Then, after you’ve watched the video, go check out Rich’s new video Plan, “Powered by Scripture,” on the YouVersion Bible App. You can also hear him on the latest episode of the highly-rated Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast.
He stands on the corner of a busy Toronto street, scrolling on his phone. At first glance, he looks just like everyone else shuffling around him. But as you come closer, you notice something…different. This man radiates indescribable peace and joy. You peek over his shoulder to see what he’s looking at: he’s reading the YouVersion Bible App.
In 2012, Scott downloaded the YouVersion Bible App, and his life was completely transformed. Let Scott tell you his story:
Like Scott, many of us have inspirational stories that point to one moment where God used the YouVersion Bible App to draw us closer to Him.
How has YouVersion helped you?
Your story matters. We want to know what your life looked like before the YouVersion Bible App, and what it looks like now. How, specifically, has God used YouVersion to positively impact your life?
Your inspirational life story could be the tool God uses to transform someone else’s life. Click below to tell us your story, and allow God to use the power of your testimony to encourage His Kingdom.*
Growing up, Will had no use for God. On TV, he saw televangelists convincing people to send money, and ministry leaders shamed by scandals. Will’s family didn’t go to church, but his friends’ church experiences confirmed most of what he already believed about so-called “Christians.”
Then as an adult, Will met a Christian woman on a dating site. They had several things in common, so they started chatting regularly. As Will got to know Becca, he was surprised to discover that her faith didn’t fit any of his stereotypes.
To see for himself what the Bible was about, Will downloaded the YouVersion Bible App and started a one-year Bible Plan. He also began attending an Alpha course, where his skepticism was welcomed. As he learned who Jesus actually was, Will decided to follow Him.
When Will learned the Bible App was made by YouVersion, a ministry of Life.Church, he tried Life.Church Online. There was also a physical Life.Church campus near him, so he tried that too. When the pastor mentioned that YouVersion was hiring, Will applied.
Today, Will has been working at YouVersion for 7 years. And that woman he met online? They’ve been happily married since 2012.
Meet Galisia.
Several years ago, postpartum depression grabbed hold of Galisia. When she couldn’t see a way out, she lost all hope. Galisia even considered driving off a bridge to commit suicide. While surfing the Internet, she found the YouVersion Bible App and downloaded it.
Through the Bible App, Galisia started reading Plans that were relevant to her, searching on words like “sad,” “hopeless,” “afraid,” and “suicidal.” One day as she was reading in the app, something inside her shifted, and she began to weep. Because of the power of God’s Word, Galisia has now fully recovered from her postpartum depression, and she’s grateful for her second chance at abundant life.
What’s your story?
This space is reserved for you. If God has used the YouVersion Bible App specifically to positively transform any area of your life, share your story, and let’s celebrate that together!
If you or someone you love has ever battled with some form of anxiety, worry, or fear – you’re not alone, and you’re not forgotten. Over 280 million people currently struggle with some form of anxiety.†
Even though these battles can feel overwhelming, God’s Word is filled with passages that offer hope.
If you need encouragement, try one of our Featured Plans on Anxiety. Allow God to meet you and fill you with His peace.
Today, together with our partner OneHope, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Bible App for Kids in Sinhala. Now, more children than ever have the opportunity to enjoy a Bible experience all their own.
Switching between languages is easy, right in the app’s Settings:
Make sure you’ve updated your app to the most current release.
Open the app and tap the gear icon () to open Settings.
Tap Language and select the one you want.
The audio will now play in that language, and any text will appear in that language, too!
Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids is from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App. Designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on over 32 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world are now enjoying the Bible App for Kids, in 48 languages — now including Sinhala!
Remember when you first learned what God gave up to reach you? About Jesus and his sacrifice? You wanted to find out everything about him that you could. And it was all right there at your fingertips:
Jesus’ Parable of the Sower, his Parable of the Talents, his Sermon on the Mount. Jesus gave sight to the blind, healed the sick, walked on water, even raised his friend Lazarus from the dead! And the things that Jesus said:
Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men… Blessed are the pure in heart… Love your enemies… My God, why have you forsaken me?… It is finished… All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Just think how those words have changed your life…
And all because you could read or listen to them. The Bible has been translated into more than 400 versions in English. The Doondo people (pronounced doe-WAHN-doe) don’t have even one version in their language. In the Republic of the Congo, they can’t read in the language of their heart the things Jesus wants them to know:
Love your neighbor as yourself… If anyone strikes you on one cheek… If a man has a hundred sheep, and one wanders off, will he not leave the 99 to seek the one?… Come to me, and I will give you rest… I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
We can make that right. Together, you and us.
We have friends who are already working with Doondo speakers to help them get their first Scripture ever, in print and audio, as oral Bible stories, and on the YouVersion Bible App. For almost three years now, through #BibleForEveryone,* we’ve been helping Bible translators fund high-impact projects that can be completed quickly. Their plan is to have the New Testament translated into most of the world’s languages by 2033. But for today, right now…
Let’s share the blessings we already enjoy with our brothers and sisters in the Republic of the Congo.
* All contributions received through the #BibleForEveryone campaign will be used exclusively for the purpose of Bible translation. Life.Church is contributing $1 million over the four-year period from 2017-2020. During each calendar year, Life.Church is contributing $250,000, spread across different, high-impact translation projects. As each project is completed, any remaining funds are then applied toward the next translation project, as selected by YouVersion and its partners. (See original blog post for full details.)