In Celebration of Lunar New Year 庆祝中国农历新年

Whether you call it Spring Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year, or simply Chinese New Year, this year, this most important of Chinese holidays will take place tomorrow, February 3. To prepare for this event, over the past several months, incredible YouVersion volunteers have been working together with our team to bring Traditional and Simplified Chinese to the Bible App™and to Now, wherever they are, Chinese readers can experience God’s Word in their “heart language,” not only in the Bible translation they’re enjoying, but in many of YouVersion’s interfaces as well. 管你是否称它为春节,中国的农历新年,或者就称之为中国新年,今年中国最重要的节日,就是今天,2月3日。为了这一节日,在过去的几个月中,YouVersion 志愿者们一直在努力工作以便推出简体中文和繁体中文版的圣经应用程序。不管在哪里,华人都可以用他们的“母语”阅读神的话语,不仅可以读中文版的圣经,还可以浏览中文版的 YouVersion 界面。

For thousands of years, the Chinese Lunar New Year has been a celebration to release the past, an opportunity to wish for peace and genuine happiness for all people. Because of its rich tradition and powerful message, Chinese New Year is the most popular of all holidays for Chinese-speaking people all over the world. 几千年来,中国农历新年都是一个辞旧迎新的庆典,是一个为人民祈求和平和幸福的时刻。因为其悠久的传统和丰富的内涵,这个节日对世界各地的华人而言都是最受欢迎的节日。

2011 is the Year of the Golden Rabbit, or Xin Mao. The rabbit symbolizes both wisdom and goodwill. This year is anticipated to be filled with good luck, calm and peace. During the traditional Spring Festival celebration, Chinese families and friends will gather to exchange gifts and spend time together, expressing loving thoughts and warm tidings for each other. 2011年是农历辛卯年或兔年。兔子象征了智慧和友好。华人希望这是一个幸运年,是和平幸福年。在传统的春节庆祝过程中,中国家庭将团聚在一起,互赠礼物,相互表达关心和美好祝福。

Our vision has always been to make the Scriptures freely available and as easy to use as possible, for as many people as we can. We believe the Bible represents the gift of God’s wisdom and His words to all of us. This Chinese New Year, please let all of your friends know—through direct conversations, phone calls, emails, on Facebook and Twitter—about this wonderful opportunity our language partners have given us to share the free gift of God’s wisdom and goodwill with our Chinese friends everywhere. 我们的异象一直是将圣经以最便捷的方式,免费送达到更多的人手中。我们相信圣经代表了神的智慧,是神给我们大家的礼物。值此中国农历春节之际,请通过面对面的交流,电话,邮件或者 FacebookTwitter 等方式,让您所有的朋友共享我们的中文翻译伙伴帮助提供给华人的免费新年礼物— 使用 YouVersion 随时随地地分享神智慧的话语和祝福。

Android Update with Korean, French, Russian and Portuguese

Version 2.7.1 of the Bible App™ for Android is now available. Thanks to some amazing volunteers, we’re happy to announce that besides English, Spanish, German and both Traditional and Simplified Chinese, now you can also view your user interface in Korean, French, Russian and Portuguese. This version update, already available in the Android Market, also addressed a few bugs that were causing some random crashes.

Do you like reading from the Bible App on your Android device? Have you considered sharing it with others on Facebook and Twitter? Your friends are actually more likely to try the Bible App when you tell them about it than when we do. Please think about showing people you know how easy it is to get the Bible App, and how it works. (And especially if their native language is something other than English.) Also, we’re continuing to add languages, so if translation or proofing in another language is an area where you’re particularly gifted, we’d love for you to join us as a volunteer!

When is 681 million minutes of Bible reading NOT a good thing?

Answer: “When 1 billion minutes was your goal.”

In this video, Terry Storch, Digerati Pastor at, and Bobby Gruenewald, Innovation Leader at, update us on YouVersion’s “1 Billion in January” challenge.

When we announced our goal for a billion minutes, the most we’d seen read in the Bible App™ during a single month was 250 million. Last month, you read 681 million minutes. That’s an increase of 172%! Incredible! While we didn’t hit 1 billion in 31 days, we’re still on track to do it in the first 50 days of 2011. Please keep making God’s Word a part of your life every day, and the moment we reach 1 billion, we’ll celebrate it here on our blog and on Facebook and Twitter.

We’d be honored to have your help spreading the Word. You can participate in lots of ways:

BlackBerry Update: Chinese, German, French and so much more!

The next version (v 2.9) of the Bible App™ for BlackBerry is available now. Get it at BlackBerry App World or download it here through your browser. One feature we’re thrilled to announce is the inclusion of Simplified and Traditional Chinese, right in the interface! If you know anyone who’d like a free, easy-to-read, easy-to-share Bible in Chinese, please let them know about the Bible App, powered by YouVersion.

All around, we’ve worked really hard to make this a terrific release, packed with improvements:

  • To give you a better overall reading experience, we’ve added headings, translation notes, even the words of Christ in red where the translation provides them. You can also change the font directly inside the Bible reader now.
  • The Arabic translation is now right-aligned, making it much easier to read.
  • Besides Simplified and Traditional Chinese, we’ve also added German and French interface support.
  • We updated and improved our Spanish interface, so it should be easier for native Spanish speakers.
  • And of course, what would any release be without bug fixes and performance enhancements?

Do you love reading the Bible on your BlackBerry? Have you told your friends about it yet? Please consider sharing your favorite Bible App features on Facebook and Twitter. We’d be honored if you’d show your friends how easy the Bible App is to get and how it works. (Especially friends whose native language isn’t English.)

BlackBerry Home Screen in Chinese BlackBerry in Chinese 01 BlackBerry in Chinese Bookmark Popup BlackBerry in Chinese Popup Menu BlackBerry in Chinese 04

The Next iPhone Update Is Available

The next version (v 2.7.1) of the Bible App™ for iPhone and iPad is ready and waiting for you in the iTunes App Store right now. You can check the App Store on your device, or you can download it here through your browser. For this release, we’ve added a few features and tweaked several others. Here are just a few of the things you might notice:

  • We’ve improved the native language interface versions for Spanish, German and Chinese.
  • You can now “Copy” a verse, even if you’re offline (disconnected from the Internet or your service provider).
  • Now, when you visit Bible chapters directly, they’ll be included in your History.
  • And because we’re always working on improving the Bible App, we’ve included the ubiquitous “stability enhancements and bug fixes” which means the app will run faster and crash less.

Do you love the Bible App on your Apple device? Do you know friends who haven’t tried it? (Especially friends whose native language isn’t English?) Would you consider sharing it with them? We’d be thrilled if you’d show them how easy it is to get and update—and maybe even demonstrate a couple of your favorite features for them. And as always, we love hearing from you on Facebook and Twitter.