1 Million+ Verse Images shared, now with more backgrounds

Verse Images are the easiest way yet for you to share Bible verses as inspiring pictures — directly from the Bible App! Almost as soon as Verse Image launched, it proved to be one of the most popular features in YouVersion history. In less than two weeks, you and hundreds of thousands of Bible App Friends from all around the world had already shared more than one million Verse Images!

Important Note: To use Verse Images, you’ll need to make sure your device’s operating system is up-to-date, and that you have the most current Bible App release.

Verse Images already featured 60 backgrounds and seven predesigned verses. And thanks to the generosity of YouVersion partner Lightstock, you now have more than 20 additional gorgeous backgrounds to choose from. Also, still to come from The Verses Project, look for over 100 more amazing predesigned verses.

Tip: When you tap a verse that features a predesigned Verse Image, here’s how you choose it:


About the Bible App

The Bible App™ has been installed on more than 170 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App offers more than 1,000 Bible versions, in more than 770 languages. And it’s always completely free.

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