Available now in the Bible App for Kids, in “Coming Home,” religious leaders ask Jesus why He spends time with people who do bad things. Based on Luke 15:1–3 and 11–32, “Coming Home” shows Jesus answering them by telling a story about a man with two grown-up sons: the timeless parable of the prodigal son.
Sometimes parents save up money to leave behind for their children after they die. But the younger son asks his father if he can go ahead and have his share of the money now, even though his father is still alive. This makes the father very sad, but he gives the money to his younger son anyway. The son moves far away and starts spending his father’s money on things he thinks are fun — but that are actually very bad for him.
Because the son keeps making bad choices, eventually he runs out of money, and he has to get a job taking care of pigs. Then the weather turns bad, and farmers can’t grow enough crops to feed everyone. The son gets so hungry, he wishes he could eat the pigs’ food. All of a sudden, he remembers: “Wait a minute — my dad is rich! If I go back home, maybe he will give me a job. Then I’ll have enough food to eat.”
When the younger son gets home, his father runs out to meet him. Even though he is embarrassed that he behaved so badly, his father is just so happy that he came home, he hugs him and tells him everything will be okay. This makes the older brother angry; he thinks it’s not fair that his younger brother wasted so much of their father’s money. But the father tells him, “Why are you angry? I have always shared everything I have with you. Your brother was lost, but now he’s found! Let’s have a party! He’s home safe and sound!”
If you already have the Bible App for Kids, all you need to do to get “Coming Home” is open the app and tap the new story icon. But even if you don’t have the app yet, getting it is easy — and it’s free! Just click one of the buttons below.

About the Bible App for Kids
Already installed on more than 8 million devices, the Bible App for Kids comes from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App. In partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids was designed specifically to provide your children with a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:
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