New in the Bible App for Kids: “Coming Home,” the Timeless Prodigal Son Story

Available now in the Bible App for Kids, in “Coming Home,” religious leaders ask Jesus why He spends time with people who do bad things. Based on Luke 15:1–3 and 11–32, “Coming Home” shows Jesus answering them by telling a story about a man with two grown-up sons: the timeless parable of the prodigal son.

Sometimes parents save up money to leave behind for their children after they die. But the younger son asks his father if he can go ahead and have his share of the money now, even though his father is still alive. This makes the father very sad, but he gives the money to his younger son anyway. The son moves far away and starts spending his father’s money on things he thinks are fun — but that are actually very bad for him.

Because the son keeps making bad choices, eventually he runs out of money, and he has to get a job taking care of pigs. Then the weather turns bad, and farmers can’t grow enough crops to feed everyone. The son gets so hungry, he wishes he could eat the pigs’ food. All of a sudden, he remembers: “Wait a minute — my dad is rich! If I go back home, maybe he will give me a job. Then I’ll have enough food to eat.”


When the younger son gets home, his father runs out to meet him. Even though he is embarrassed that he behaved so badly, his father is just so happy that he came home, he hugs him and tells him everything will be okay. This makes the older brother angry; he thinks it’s not fair that his younger brother wasted so much of their father’s money. But the father tells him, “Why are you angry? I have always shared everything I have with you. Your brother was lost, but now he’s found! Let’s have a party! He’s home safe and sound!”


If you already have the Bible App for Kids, all you need to do to get “Coming Home” is open the app and tap the new story icon. But even if you don’t have the app yet, getting it is easy — and it’s free! Just click one of the buttons below.


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About the Bible App for Kids

Already installed on more than 8 million devices, the Bible App for Kids comes from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App. In partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids was designed specifically to provide your children with a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:

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The Bible App for Kids is Now Available in German!

More than 200 million people around the world speak German. And ever since we added German to the Bible App almost 5 years ago, millions of you have been actively participating in the worldwide YouVersion community. Today, together with our partner OneHope, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the Bible App for Kids in German: Bibel App für Kinder. Now, more children than ever have the opportunity to enjoy a Bible experience all their own.

And with the new language selector, now you can select German as your language of choice — from inside the Bible App for Kids! Choose between Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, English, German, Korean, Russian, and Spanish. The audio will play in that language, and any text will appear in that language, too!

Please help us celebrate this great news!




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About the Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App, designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on over 8 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world are now enjoying the Bible App for Kids — in Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, English, Korean, Spanish, Russian, and now in German!

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Bible Plans on Work and Leadership help you refocus.

Work. Inspired.


It can be so easy to get caught up in the everyday busyness of work that sometimes we lose sight of what matters most.

Does God have a purpose for my life?
How can I find it?
Can I honor Him right where I am?
How can I serve Him…
yet still do what I need to to pay my bills?

The Bible offers us timeless wisdom from people who struggled with these same questions, inspired by God’s Spirit. In just a few minutes each day, YouVersion Bible Plans let you explore God’s Word, then reflect on how you can live out its truths in your daily life.

Find your spark again! Try one (or more) of these Plans and reignite your work and leadership with meaning, purpose, and vision. And when you discover one that truly inspires you, share it with your friends!


Plans for Working Life



Find Purpose in Your Work

Abide, 3 days
Examples from Scripture, focused prayer, and thoughtful reflection help you find meaning through pursuing God’s calling on your life.

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Monday Matters: Finding God in Your Workplace

Mark Bilton and Called to Business, 30 days
Drawn from Bilton’s book Monday Matters, these daily devotionals feature biblical insight paired with a quick prayer (with most available as audio) to help you transform your work life and workplace.

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Ambition & Your Work

The High Calling and Theology of Work Project, 6 days
In short video clips, authors who have devoted themselves to the working lives of believers share practical perspectives on ambition’s place within a biblical worldview.

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Today God is First – Devotions on Adversity

Os Hillman and Marketplace Leaders, 18 days
Os Hillman’s “TGIF” devotional offers daily inspiration and encouragement for how you can bring God’s presence into your calling in the workplace.

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Plans on Leadership



Leadership Personal Development

Leadership Bible, 14 days
From the NIV Leadership Bible, ancient and contemporary leadership experts address what the Bible has to say about character, risk, integrity, setting priorities, and more.

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The Maxwell Leadership Reading Plan

John C. Maxwell, 30 days
Featuring excerpts from Dr. Maxwell’s comprehensive work on leadership, discover biblical principles that allow you to glorify God by leading and empowering others.

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Lead Like Jesus: 21 Days of Leadership

Lead Like Jesus, 21 days
Discover practical application from insights into the many ways that Jesus developed people and handled difficult situations.

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Authentic Christian Leadership

Zondervan, 14 days
In excerpts from the NIV Once-a-Day Bible for Leaders, leaders like Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Max De Pree, and Mark Batterson share godly wisdom on challenging growth topics.

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Find Your Next Plan

Parents, Students, and Kids: Plans for the coming season.


Enjoy a Season of Renewal

In many parts of the world, August brings a change of season: students are returning to school, which means new teachers, new acquaintances, and new surroundings for them. And of course, new schedules — for everyone in the family!

Planning your family’s days around this “new normal” offers a unique opportunity to really think through the things you value most as a family. Devoting just a few minutes each day to connecting around God’s Word together is one of the best ways we know to draw your family closer. We’ve carefully selected the following devotionals for parents, for youth, and even for your little ones. (And, if you see a plan you like here, be sure you share it with friends!)

Plans for Parents


‘On The Farm’ Parenting Devotional

Journey Church PA, 28 days
Daily Scripture readings and short devotionals help you see how you can lead your children with biblical principles.

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Parenting with Wisdom

Jim Daly, 7 days
Help your children thrive through a relationship of love and grace, backed up with values and expectations from God’s Word.

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How to Ruin Your Child in 7 Easy Steps

Patrick M. Quinn and Ken Roach, 7 days
See how the Seven Deadly Sins — wrath, greed, envy, lust, sloth, gluttony, and pride — influence our modern parenting.

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American Bible Society, 7 days
Discover biblical insight for raising your children according to what God desires.

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Plans for Students


Set Apart, 3 days
God calls us to be holy and to live holy lives… but what does that look like?

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Teens: Q&A Devotionals on Top Questions

Zondervan, 11 days
Featuring excerpts from the NIV Quest Study Bible for Teens, find Scriptural answers to many of the questions that teens commonly ask about God, faith, and the Bible.

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10 Things to Abandon for Spiritual Growth

Brian Price, 10 days
What baggage are you carrying? Materialism? Jealousy? Anger? Devotionals and prayer help you call it what it is and leave it behind.

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It Starts with Me

NewSpring Church, 21 days
You’ve already accepted that Jesus loves you. Now discover practical things you can do to live in a way that honors Him.

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Plans for Kids



Bible App for Kids – God’s Good News

OneHope, 5 days
Use this plan together with the Bible App for Kids to help your children learn how they can join in God’s Big Story by accepting His love — and by loving Him back.

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Godly Character, 8 days
Designed for parents to use together with their kids, each day reveals ways that we can let God’s Spirit change us, then locks in Bible verses with fun memory games.

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The Power of Same: Family Devotional (Ages 3+)

Elevation Church, 35 days
This companion devotional to The Power of Same and the Bible App for Kids helps your family learn how to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

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Truth or Trash

iKan Ministries, 35 days
With challenges from the popular app of the same name, your kids will strengthen their faith as they hold up common sayings to the light of God’s Word: Is it truth? Or just another selfish idea promoted by popular culture?

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Find Your Next Plan

New Bible App for Kids Story: Jesus Heals the Daughter of Jairus: “Time to Get Up”

In the latest story from the Bible App for Kids, “Time to Get Up,” Jesus heals the daughter of a leader in the temple. In a story from Luke 8:40–42 and 49–56 in the New Testament, Jairus, an important leader, goes to where Jesus is teaching and asks Him if he will come and help his little girl, who is very sick at home. Jesus leaves with Jairus to go to his house and see her, but before they even get there, a man who works for Jairus meets them with sad news: “Your daughter is already dead.” Jesus tells Jairus not to be afraid, but just to believe.


When Jesus and Jairus get to his house, the people there are very sad because Jairus’ little girl has died. Jesus tells them she’s not dead, just asleep, but they laugh at Him. Jesus goes in to see her, and he takes her mommy and daddy and three of His disciples with Him. Jesus takes her hand and says, “Wake up, little girl, and live again!”

And she does! The little girl’s mommy and daddy are surprised and happy, but Jesus tells them not to tell anyone what has happened. Then he tells them to get her something to eat.


To get “Time to Get Up” right now, just open the Bible App for Kids and tap the new story icon. If you don’t have the Bible App for Kids yet, it’s easy to get, and it’s always free! Just click one of the buttons below.

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About the Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App, designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on over 7 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world enjoy the Bible App for Kids in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish — and most recently, even in Russian!

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