Featured Plans: John Bevere, Donald Miller, Shauna Niequist, & More


Become Who God Made You to Be


For many around the world, August marks the end of one season — and the beginning of another. Our suggested Plans this month help you discover what Scripture has to say about living in a way that fulfills God’s purpose for your life.

Bible in One Year
from HTB, 365 days

New Day, New You
from Joyce Meyer Ministries, 14 days

Experiencing God’s Renewal
from LifeChurch.tv, 5 days

New Thru 30
from Elevation Church, 30 days

Using Your Time for God
from Ligonier Ministries, 5 days


Find Your Next Plan

Now on Android: The All-New Bible App

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night…”
Joshua 1:8, NLT

Our mission at YouVersion is to help you engage with the Bible every day. And we never stop working to make your Bible experience better. A few weeks ago, we rolled out the new Bible App for iOS. Today we’re introducing the all-new, redesigned Bible App for Android, completely rebuilt from the ground up. With a 40% smaller download than the previous version and more efficient memory use, this new Bible App even supports back to Gingerbread (version 2.3 of Android). What does all that mean? That the Bible App now runs on more devices than ever before. Here’s what you’ll find inside:

Simpler. By design.

Simple icons make all your options clear on every screen. Clean menu bars place the things you do most just a single tap away. But once you begin scrolling, the menus slip out of your way, giving you more screen real estate for Bible text. (To bring them back, simply scroll up slightly, or tap the Back button.) This is the cleanest, most responsive Bible experience we’ve ever offered on Android.

Make your Bible experience your own.

Customize your Bible experience with all-new Bible App Theme colors. Easily adjust your reading with more accessible font controls. Even switch between “Day” and “Night” modes, with color schemes optimized for reading in bright or dark conditions.

Connect with your biblical community.

The Home feed is cleaner and more compact than ever before, giving you more ways to engage with Scripture and more opportunities to discuss the Bible with your trusted Friends. Also, for the first time ever, Verse of the Day now includes a “View all” option, bringing you inspiration from previous days’ verses.

 Choose where you control audio.

When you select a Bible version that features audio, a play/pause button appears at the bottom, “floating” above the Bible text, so you can begin listening with just one tap. (Simply flip the “Show Controls” switch on or off to show or hide the floating button, whichever you prefer.)

Enjoy Plans… even offline.

Bible Plans are one of the best ways to engage with Scripture every day, giving you just a few passages to read each day. Now, for the first time ever, you can download Plans to your device to read offline (just as select Bible versions are available to download). When you read a Plan offline, the Bible App marks any days you complete, then syncs those with your YouVersion account the next time you’re online. So even when you can’t connect, you can still keep up.


Here’s how: Sometime when you’re connected:
1. Go to the Bible reader.
2. Tap the short version code to display a list of Bible versions.
3. Tap the download icon next to a version available for download.
4. Tap the Back arrow, then Plans, then Discover & subscribe to any Plan(s) you like.


Still inside: favorites, new and old.

When you tap a verse or passage, your classic favorites now appear as elegant verse actions: Highlight, Bookmark, Note, Verse Image, Share, and Related. (Related shows you everything you’ve previously attached to the selected passage — along with what other people are posting about it in their Public Notes.)


This is simply the best Bible App we’ve ever offered for Android, available right now. Keep spreading the Word.

YouVersion. It’s Your Bible.


Get it now


Tip: We want your Bible App experience to be as amazing as possible. So before you update or install this latest version, please check your device Settings to ensure that it’s up-to-date with the most recent release of Android available. Some Bible App features may not be available on older devices, or on older versions of Android.


About the Bible App

The Bible App™ has been installed on more than 185 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App offers more than 1,000 Bible versions, in more than 770 languages. And it’s always completely free.

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The Bible App for Kids is Now Available in Dutch!


YouVersion and OneHope are thrilled to announce the next language for the Bible App for Kids: Dutch. Each time we introduce another language into the Bible App for Kids, children all over the world — and even kids right next door — discover the opportunity to fall in love with God’s Word in their own heart language. The Bible App for Kids is already available in Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, English, Korean, Spanish, and most recently Russian — with many more languages still to come!

Please help us celebrate this great news!



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About the Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids is designed to give kids a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Its interactive animations and kid-friendly navigation invite children to explore all 41 of its Bible stories. The Bible App for Kids is available for free on Apple, Android, and Kindle tablets and smartphones:

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In New Bible App for Kids Story, “Journeys for Jesus,” Paul Faces Danger Throughout his Travels

Available now in the Bible App for Kids, “Journeys for Jesus” shows that even though it’s really hard for Paul to go to faraway places to tell others about Jesus, his work helps a lot of people — and it’s still helping us today! This thrilling new adventure follows Paul on his travels through much of the New Testament book of Acts: chapters 13–14; 16; 20–21; 25; and 27–28.

When God’s Spirit leads Paul to tell as many people as he can about Jesus, a lot of the people he visits are so happy that they start churches. But then, some other people — people who don’t like the things Paul is saying — have him put in jail. Then soldiers put Paul on a boat to take him to Rome, a big city where he will have to stand before a judge.

Storms are coming as they load the boat, but the captain decides they should go anyway. Their boat gets caught in a giant storm that tosses them around for several days, and eeveryone is afraid they’ll sink. But an angel comes to Paul at night and says, “Don’t be scared, Paul! God is looking out for you — and all the people with you, too!” Soon after, just like the angel said, even though their boat crashes, every single person makes it safely to an island nearby.


They stay on the island until all the storms pass. While they’re there, Paul prays for a very sick man, and God heals him. Eventually, another boat comes and picks them up, and they continue on toward Rome. When they finally get there, because Paul is still a prisoner, soldiers chain him up in a house. While Paul waits for his trial to start, he writes letters to many of the churches that he had visited during his travels. Those letters that Paul wrote are in the Bible now… and we still read them today!


If you already have the Bible App for Kids, all you need to do to get “Journeys for Jesus” is open the app and tap the new story icon. But even if you don’t have the app yet, getting it is easy — and it’s free! Just click one of the buttons below.


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About the Bible App for Kids

Already installed on more than 7 million devices, the Bible App for Kids comes from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App. In partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids was designed specifically to provide your children with a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:

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New Audio Helps Pre-Readers Get Even More from Bible App for Kids

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Now the Bible App for Kids can actually read teaching questions to your children — and in every language that the Bible App for Kids supports! Many Bible App for Kids stories feature “hidden” activity questions designed to help your kids remember what they’re learning. When your child discovers a thought bubble in a story, they can tap it to reveal fun multiple choice, true/false, and yes/no questions. And now, for the first time ever, they can tap a speaker button above the question, and the Bible App for Kids narrator will read it to them! (Each quiz offers positive reinforcement when your child taps the correct answer — and a hint when they don’t.)

Bible App for Kids stories have always featured teaching questions, but for kids to answer, they either needed to be able to read, or they had to get help from someone who could. But now with audio, everybody can play — even if they can’t read yet!

Here’s how to get your audio questions:

If this is your first time installing the Bible App for Kids, you’ll have this feature right away. But if you already have the Bible App for Kids, first you’ll need to update your app to the latest version. Then you’ll need to update each of your Bible stories individually. (Don’t worry! It’s easy, and your kids won’t lose any stars they’ve achieved or any collectibles they’ve gathered.) Once you have the new version, each time you tap on a story that you don’t have audio for, the Bible App for Kids will tell you there’s an update for it. Just tap to update, and as soon as it’s downloaded, that story will have its new audio questions!


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About the Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App, designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on over 7 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world are now enjoying the Bible App for Kids — in Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, English, Korean, Spanish, and now in Russian!


Get it now


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