3 Brand New Features Help You Focus on God’s Word

…happy is the man… [whose] delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.
Psalm 1:1–2 (HCSB)

Delight yourself in the Lord…

We hope you’ve been enjoying the recent redesign of the all-new Bible App for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Today we’re introducing a small update to that redesign: three brand-new features, each one crafted to bring you the best, most engaging Bible reading experience we’ve ever offered on Apple devices. (If you haven’t already been using this beautiful new Bible App, there’s never been a better time for you to update!)

Focus more on His Word.


To show you more of the Bible text, now the Bible App’s menus slip out of your way as you begin scrolling. (To see them again, simply scroll up slightly or double-tap.) And, when you reach the end of a chapter, the navigation buttons conveniently reappear.


Take action on what inspires you.


Now when you tap a verse or passage, elegant verse action buttons pop up, showing you all of your options — each action available with a single tap: Highlight, Bookmark, Note, Verse Image, Share, and Related*.

*Related shows your previous Bookmarks, Highlights, Notes, and Verse Images for the selected passage, along with what other people are saying about it in Public Notes.

Choose where you control audio.


When you select a Bible version that features audio on your iPhone or iPod, a play/pause button appears at the bottom, “floating” above the Bible text, so you can begin listening with just one tap. But, if you’d rather use the more traditional play button in the top section, you can tap “Hide Controls” to make the floating button go away. (Just tap “Show Controls” to bring it back.)

Get it now

The new Bible App for Android will include all three of these features when it releases in the coming weeks.

New Bible App for Kids Story: Saul Meets Jesus: “From Enemy to Friend”

In the latest story from the Bible App for Kids, “From Enemy to Friend,” Saul is on his way to Damascus when the risen Jesus stops him — to change his heart. In this story, based on Acts 9:1–19 from the New Testament, Saul is a Pharisee, a very important religious leader. When Saul first hears that Jesus has come back to life, he believes it’s a lie, so he works hard to keep people from following Jesus. One day, Saul heads toward a town called Damascus to put some of Jesus’ followers in jail. As he’s walking down the road, a bright light blinds him, and he hears a loud voice saying, “Saul, Saul… Why are you so mean to me? Now you will no longer see.” It’s Jesus!


Jesus tells Saul to go on to Damascus. But because Saul can’t see, other people have to help him get there. Even while this is happening, Jesus tells one of His followers, a man named Ananias, to go and pray for Saul. Ananias is very afraid of Saul because Saul has been putting Jesus’ followers in jail. But Ananias trusts Jesus, so he goes anyway.

When Ananias prays for Saul, God performs a miracle: Saul can see again! Saul gets baptized to show other people that he wants to follow Jesus, too. Saul wants to tell everyone he can about Jesus, all over the world. In fact, because Jesus changed Saul’s heart so much, Saul even changes his name: to Paul.


To get “From Enemy to Friend” right now, just open the Bible App for Kids and tap the new story icon. If you don’t have the Bible App for Kids yet, it’s easy to get, and it’s always free! Just click one of the buttons below.


The Bible App for Kids icon

About the Bible App for Kids

Already installed on more than 7 million devices, the Bible App for Kids comes from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App. In partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids was designed specifically to provide your children with a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:

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The Bible App for Kids is Now Available in Russian!

Did you know that more than 160 million people all over the world speak Russian? And ever since Russian was added to the Bible App almost 5 years ago, millions of you have been actively participating in the worldwide YouVersion community. Today, together with our partner OneHope, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the Bible App for Kids in Russian: Библия для детей. Now, more children than ever have the opportunity to enjoy a Bible experience all their own.

All you need to do for your kids to experience the Bible App for Kids in Russian is make sure you have the app installed. When you open the app, if the default language on your device is one of those supported: Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, English, Korean, or Spanish, the audio will play in that language, and any text will appear in that language, too!

Please help us celebrate this great news!



The Bible App for Kids icon

About the Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App, designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on over 7 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world are now enjoying the Bible App for Kids — in Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, English, Korean, Spanish, and now in Russian!


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The All-New Bible App for Android Will be Ready Soon

Recently you may have seen our release announcement for the new Bible App for iOS. And if you’re one of the tens of millions of people who use the Bible App on an Android device, you may have wondered, “What about Android?”

This release is taking a little longer because we’re making substantial under-the-hood improvements. When it’s ready, we’re confident you’ll agree that it was worth the wait.

Cleaner design. Inspired by Google’s “Material Design” initiative, this is the cleanest, most elegant experience we’ve ever offered on Android.

Faster. Getting where you want to go in the app is much quicker.

Smaller footprint. The Bible App for Android is 40% smaller than the previous version.

More compatible. It runs on more Android devices than ever before.

Our mission at YouVersion is to help people engage with the Bible every day. So we want to offer you the best Bible experience possible, no matter which Android device you use. We can’t wait to get this release in your hands soon.

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