Announcing the Winners from the Bible App’s 21-Day New Year Challenge

On January 1, we invited you to join us for the Bible App’s 21-Day New Year Challenge. Registered users who completed one day of an eligible Bible Plan every day from January 1 through January 21 were entered into a random drawing for our grand prize, an iPad Air! The results are in, and the lucky winner is:

Janeth V.

Congratulations, Janeth!
(Don’t forget to install the Bible App on your new iPad 😉


Throughout the Challenge, many registered users who tweeted which Plan they were reading with the hashtag #BibleFor21 also won prizes*. Here they are:

Andy C., iPad mini

Melanie G., Android Nexus 7 tablet

Danielle P., Android Nexus 7 tablet

Juan V., YouVersion prize pack

Israel D., YouVersion prize pack

Jamie N., YouVersion prize pack

We think everyone who completed this year’s 21-Day New Year Challenge is a winner—way to go! If your special 21-Day New Year Challenge badge hasn’t already appeared on your YouVersion profile, you should see it sometime within the next week. 

21 Day Challenge Badge 2015

Keep your momentum going.

We hope your time in God’s Word during these last three weeks drew you closer to Him. And we hope each day helped you really lock in your daily Bible reading habit. Our statistics from past Challenges are clear: once you establish a daily habit for several weeks, that momentum can carry you forward on a streak of consistent time in the Bible.

With hundreds of Bible Plans in several languages, your next new favorite is just a couple of clicks away:


Discover Your Next Plan


*Winners can expect to receive their prizes within the next 7–10 business days. If you need to contact us about your prize, you must use the same email address you used to register your free YouVersion account. Refer to our original post for full contest rules.


About the Bible App

The Bible App has been installed on more than 165 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App™ offers more than 1,000 Bible versions, in more than 740 languages. And it’s always completely free.

The Bible App™


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What if millions of children all over the world fell in love with the Bible?

You don’t have to imagine… because it’s happening now, in every country in the world, all around us. Recently the Bible App for Kids was installed for the 5 millionth time! Take a moment to let that sink in. Somewhere, right now, even as you’re reading this, whether it’s across the street or on the other side of the world, children are exploring Bible stories designed just for them. 

Help us spread the good news!
Share this image with your friends:

Bible App for Kids installed 5MM times

With our partner One Hope, YouVersion launched the Bible App for Kids in November of 2013. We couldn’t have guessed we’d reach 5 million installs in just over a year. A revolution in Bible engagement is taking place in our lifetimes.

So far, the Bible App for Kids is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Brazilian Portuguese. But more languages are coming. And the app now features 24 stories — stories like “It Is Finished,” the story of Jesus’ resurrection, and “The First Christmas Gift,” the story of Jesus’ birth. Inside the app, kids have already completed these stories more than 35 million times. But more stories are coming — stories like “A Voice in the Night” and “Stones, Slings, and Giant Things,” to name just two. (You’ll have to watch the app to see what they’re about!)


More and more children are falling in love
with God’s Word…

Every day, in every country.

“My twin 4-year-old nephews LOVE the Bible App for Kids! They choose it over their games. Better than that…one gave his heart to Jesus as a result of discussions that happened because of the app!”

“My 6-year-old daughter Talia absolutely loves the Bible App for Kids. She told me she wants to start doing her devotions in the morning and evening! As a father and pastor this pleases my heart so much. Thank you for doing what you do. You’re having a greater impact than you realise. ”

“@BibleAppForKids is Incredible! My girls love it! Highly engaged in God’s Word & excited to show it to their cousins last night.”

“Great job, @BibleAppForKids! First thing my boy said this morning: ‘Can I read the Bible?’”



Join the Bible engagement revolution

Just like the Bible App, the Bible App for Kids will always be completely free. It’s made possible by the generosity of people who are passionate about making sure everyone on earth has access to God’s Word — people just like you. Getting it couldn’t be easier:


The Bible App for Kids icon


Get it now


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“Brave and Beautiful Queen,” New Bible App for Kids Story about Esther

The newest story in the Bible App for Kids is all about how God gives Esther favor with the king so that she can save God’s people from a really bad man. “Brave and Beautiful Queen” is based on the Old Testament book Esther, from chapters 2–5, chapter 7, and verses 20 through 22 of chapter 9. In this new story, you’ll see Esther help rescue God’s people through her courage, grace, and integrity.

Esther visits the king

When the Jewish man Mordecai won’t bow to Haman, an advisor to King Xerxes, Haman is very angry. Haman decides to get even by having all of the Jews killed. What Haman doesn’t know is that King Xerxes’ wife Esther is Mordecai’s niece — which means she’s one of the Jews! Mordecai encourages Esther to tell Haman’s plan to the king. God gives Esther favor, and when King Xerxes hears what Haman said, he gets rid of Haman instead! Because of Esther’s courage, the Jews are saved, and they celebrate with a huge feast.

The king finds Haman out

About the Bible App for Kids

If you already have the Bible App for Kids, simply open the app and tap the icon for “Brave and Beautiful Queen.” But even if you don’t have the Bible App for Kids yet, it’s easy to get, and always completely free.

Already installed on more than 4.5 million devices, the Bible App for Kids comes from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App™. In partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids was designed specifically to provide your children with a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:

The Bible App for Kids icon


Get it now


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7 Ways to Feed Your Bible Habit

During each of the first 7 days of YouVersion’s 21-Day New Year Challenge, we’ll reveal a new tip: one more simple way you can use the Bible App to connect with God’s Word. And we’ll add a new tip every day, so keep checking back to see the next one.

Browse Bible Plans

Tip 1. Start a Bible Plan

Plans are a simple way to read the Bible every day, just a little at a time. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, direction, or a fresh perspective, the Bible App has Plans that meet you where you are. Start small. You’re more likely to complete a shorter Plan than a long one, especially when you’re just beginning. Then, as soon as you finish the Plan you’re on, find your next one and tap start.

Find a plan

Find Friends

Tip 2. Enjoy the Bible with Friends

The Bible is better with friends. Sharing, discussing, and exploring the things that God’s Word is saying to each of you — in a community of people you trust — helps you apply the Scriptures in your everyday life. The Bible App makes it easy for you to center conversations with Friends around the Bible.

Find Friends now

Watch the Bible

Tip 3. Watch the Bible with Videos

Featured Bible App video content helps you connect visually with the concepts and stories in the Bible. Enjoy compelling video from The Lumo Project’s just-released “The Gospel of John” film, clips from groundbreaking television series The Bible, and selections from Jesus Film Media’s JESUS, the movie about Jesus’ life that’s been seen more than 6 billion times, all over the world.

Watch Bible videos

Listen to the Bible

Tip 4. Listen to Audio Bibles

Did you know the Bible App can read to you? It can! Listen while you drive, work, exercise — or even read along. In the versions list, speaker icons indicate which Bibles offer audio. The Bible App even offers Audio versions in several different languages.

Note: Audio Bibles use streaming, so be aware of the data usage plan for your provider. For best audio results, we recommend connecting over WiFi.

Listen to the Bible

Bible Plan Reminder

Tip 5. Set a Bible Plan Reminder

Have the Bible App remind you what time you’re planning to read. In your Plan’s settings, tap Reminder to turn it on, then specify when you’d like to be reminded.

Set a Plan reminder

Create Highlights, Bookmarks, or Notes

Tip 6. Highlight, Bookmark, & Create Notes

In the Reader inside the Bible App, tap on any verse, and tools pop up to Highlight, Bookmark, write Notes, and more. Just tap the one you want and follow the prompts. You can specify colors and labels, and with Notes, whether you want them Public or Private. Try it!

Mark a passage

Subscribe to the Verse of the Day

Tip 7. Subscribe to Verse of the Day

Let the Bible App bring God’s Word to you every day. Just specify whether you’d prefer email or push notification, which Bible version you prefer, and what time.

Subscribe to VOTD

YouVersion’s 21-Day New Year Challenge: You could win an iPad Air!

We know how much it means to spend time in the Bible every day — and how challenging that can be when life gets busy. One of the best ways we’ve found to form a daily discipline is to complete one short Bible Plan after another in the Bible App. That’s what the 21-Day New Year Challenge is about: helping you lock in a daily habit of connecting with the Bible.

To help you keep inspired, anytime between January 1 and January 21, if you tweet which Plan you’re reading during the Challenge — with the hashtag #BibleFor21 — you’ll be entered to win one of the following: a YouVersion prize pack*, an iPad mini, OR an Android Nexus 7 tablet!


We’ll give away prizes each week all throughout the Challenge. Tell your friends!


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And the Grand Prize…

If you complete the day’s selections from at least one Bible Plan each day from January 1 to January 21, you’ll also earn a special 2015 21-Day New Year Challenge badge on your YouVersion profile — and be entered in a special drawing for the grand prize: an iPad Air!

21 Day Challenge Badge 2015

During the first 7 days of the Challenge, each day, we’ll send a new tip to your device that shows you a simple way you can use the Bible App to get into God’s Word. We’ll devote a special blog post to them, adding one each day as we reveal them — so you’ll want to check back each day to see the next one.



Official rules…

  • Make sure you have the Bible App installed on a device or devices that you’ll be able to use from January 1 to January 21.
  • If you haven’t already, sign up for your own free YouVersion account.
  • Sign up for a Bible Plan (or more than one).
  • From the Plan’s page inside the Bible App, tap the share icon and share your plan on Twitter. Don’t forget to include the #BibleFor21 hashtag, so we can find your post and enter you in that day’s drawing!
  • Every day from January 1 to January 21, go to the Plans section of your profile and complete the daily selection for at least one of your plans.
  • As you complete your selections, make sure they get checked off each day.


Note: If you start a Bible Plan before the 21-Day New Year Challenge begins on January 1, that’s great! Just keep going, and make sure you complete at least one day, every day between January 1 and January 21 — and that each day gets checked off.



If you haven’t signed up for your next Bible Plan yet, the 21-Day New Year Challenge is just one more great reason to start. Here are a few you might try:


21 Day Fast Explore biblical passages about intimacy with God, questions for reflection, and encouragement to pray. From 21 days

21 Days Of Powerful Breakthroughs Find clear direction from the Scriptures and quiet reflection to help you overcome life’s barriers. From Twenty-One Days. 21 days

This Book Is Alive Short video stories about young people pursuing the meaning of their favorite Bible verses in their everyday lives. From This Book Is Alive. 21 days


Browse for more plans


*Tablets available for shipping within the continental U.S. only. Prize packs include a YouVersion T-shirt, an exclusive YouVersion mug, and Bible App sticker sheets. Winners will be contacted with details for how to receive their prizes.