Does Life Feel out of Control? Remember These 3 Things:


Psalm 31:24

400 years. That’s how long the Israelites waited for God to deliver them from slavery. But after they left Egypt, God didn’t take them directly to their promised land.

Instead, they camped out at the base of a mountain while God instructed Moses. During that time, God’s glory rested on the mountain.

But after 40 days, the Israelites grew frustrated by the delay…so they rejected God and pursued whatever pleased them.

If you’ve ever felt frustrated by an uncertain season that lasts longer than you anticipated, you’re not alone.

Waiting can lead to disappointment and frustration. In those moments, we can become so focused on our circumstances that we forget God is still in control. If God’s in control, we might ask, then where is He? Why hasn’t anything changed?

Here are three truths to remember:

  1. Waiting reveals what you worship

    When the Israelites’ plans were delayed, they pursued instant gratification because that’s what they actually valued.

    When you find yourself dissatisfied with your situation, what do you turn to? What you focus on reveals what you value, and what you value determines what you worship.

  1. Waiting is never wasted

    God wasn’t withholding His promise from the Israelites—He was preparing them for it.

    God’s timeline is different than ours, but your waiting might actually be preparing you for the plans and purposes God has for you.

  1. Waiting helps us focus on God’s faithfulness

    God’s faithfulness hasn’t changed. The God who patiently protected and provided for the Israelites also conquered death so that you could experience eternal life.

    If you find yourself growing weary from waiting, look up and look back. Look for evidence of God’s presence, and look back on what He’s done for you. This will help you hold onto hope.

Hoping in God is never wasted because the One who conquered death is still in control, and He’s always at work in your waiting.

Reflect on God’s Faithfulness

A Prayer for Anyone Battling Addiction


John 16:33

Father God, thank You that nothing we struggle with is impossible for You to overcome. You are above all things, and in You, all things are held together.

This season is hard for all of us, but especially for our brothers and sisters battling addiction. Help them realize that their struggles do not define their identity or worth.

They are Your children, called by Your name, and set apart for Your purposes. Show them that their chains have been broken.

Help them to resist temptation so that they can embrace Your fullness of life. Give them Your strength to fight back when they feel overwhelmed, and place people in their lives who will support them.

Protect their bodies, hearts, and minds. Shield them from temptation, and deliver them from evil.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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How to Make Physical Distancing Work for Your Family

When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy - Jamess 1:2 - Verse Image

Physical distancing has presented parents with challenges that most of us have never faced before. Even if you already considered your family to be your primary ministry, adjusting to working at home can blur the line between family life and work life.

Many of us at YouVersion are parents, so just like you, we’ve been looking for strategies that will work for our families. Below are just a few approaches we’ve found so far. While we realize every family has unique circumstances, we hope you’ll find something here that’s helpful.

Communicate, collaborate, and coordinate.

When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy - Jamess 1:2 - Verse Image

If both parents are trying to work from home, remember that you’re on the same team together. Try to set up a schedule that suits everyone. Some of us are taking shifts, where one parent works from 8:30am to 12:00pm, while the other cares for the kids, then switching from 12:30pm to 5:00pm. Make a plan, but leave room to be flexible.

…Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults…


Include your kids.

When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy - Jamess 1:2 - Verse Image

Ask your children to “help” in ways that make sense for their ages. You might help them make a “Time to Work” sign for you, then explain that when you hang it on the door, that means you need to concentrate. Help them make special artwork for your workspace—especially if you’ll be in video meetings. Your kids are more likely to respect boundaries between work time and family time if they feel invested in both.

Imprint these words of mine on your hearts and minds… Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.


Set realistic expectations.

“Productivity” looks different right now than it did three months ago. And, most of the people you work with are likely dealing with issues very similar to yours. Be a living example of the things you hope to receive from others. Give grace to your coworkers, to your children, and to yourself.

The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23

When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy - Jamess 1:2 - Verse Image

As much as you can, enjoy this time you have together. It may be hard to remember right now, but just a few months ago, many of us were trying to find ways to spend more time with our kids. It’s true that our current circumstances come with real challenges. But, it’s also true that we have the power to choose how we respond. We can see them as setbacks that are causing us pain, or as opportunities to draw our families closer than ever.

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3 Ways to Help Your Kids Adjust to the New “Normal”

Mother and daughter using a tablet

Parents, don’t be hard on your children. Raise them properly. Teach them and instruct them about the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4

Mother and daughter laughing while using a tablet

If you’re like many parents we know, day by day, you’re trying to handle meals, figure out school, and manage your kids’ boredom—all while worrying about your job and your future. We want you to know: We’re here for you.

Regardless of your children’s ages, it’s likely they have a lot of questions about everything happening. Almost overnight, all the daily routines that they relied on for stability changed. One of the best things we can do for them right now is to establish a new “normal.”

Here are 3 things you can try at different times throughout the day to help your kids adjust:

  1. Ask your kids what they’re thinking about. Then listen.

Even if they say difficult or troubling things, try not to show alarm on your face. Your kids need a safe space to talk, and the opportunity to fully express their thoughts and feelings in their own words.

  1. Be the example you want to see in your house.

Take care of yourself spiritually during this time, so that you’ll be able to give your kids the emotional support they need. Here’s where you can find some peace and encouragement for you:


  1. Pray with your kids, on a schedule.

Praying is just having a conversation with God, telling Him what you’re thinking and feeling, asking for things you need, and thanking Him (even for small victories). You can pray anytime, but doing it together in the morning, at mealtimes, and at bedtimes is an easy way to build some routine into each day. Here’s a simple example:

Dear Jesus, thank You for our family. Help us to love each other, take care of each other, and be kind. Please show us how we can love our neighbors and our friends. Thank You. Amen.

Bonus! Clearly define your days.

If your kids have been used to a weekly schedule—with you at work and them at school or daycare—the days may start blurring together when everyone’s home. Giving each day of the week its own theme can help you build a rhythm, a sense of structure. Here are a few examples:

  • Taco Tuesday – Don’t have taco ingredients? Make sandwiches, taco style, folded in half.

  • Wacky Wednesday – Wear socks that don’t match. Type “recipe” into Google, with a list of whatever random ingredients you have, and make that together.

  • Funny Friday – Play together. Be silly. Make jokes. Watch a funny movie or TV show. Make Friday night Family Game Night.

  • Special Sunday – Worship God together. Find a church service online. (Many churches are putting their children’s programming online right now.) Watch a video on together and talk about it.

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