What if your next decision left a legacy?

And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God. - Hebrews 13:16 - Verse Image

What can you do to make the world a better place?

Give yourself to
something bigger.

Today is Giving Tuesday, a movement where people give to a cause they’re passionate about and inspire others to take action.

People around the world are already experiencing the life-changing power of God’s Word: the YouVersion Bible App has been installed on over 400 million unique devices. That’s millions of people God is drawing closer to Him… and it’s only the beginning.

With one click, you could help make an eternal impact on this generation and beyond.

Join the global YouVersion movement by giving, and then share your story on social media with the hashtag #GivingTuesday. Encourage your friends and family to join you, and let’s strengthen the body of Christ together:

Give Now

An Advent Gift for You:

A light has dawned on those living in the land of darkness. - Isaiah 9:2 - Verse Image

Imagine it’s a starry, silent night and you’re in a field surrounded by sheep. Suddenly, a host of angels appears and tells you that, after 400 years of waiting, the hope for the world has been born ­– a baby called Immanuel, “God with us.”

The season of Advent begins today, December 1, giving us four weeks to reflect on the hope, peace, joy, and love that Jesus’ birth brought to the world.

As we count down to Christmas, every Advent Sunday we’re revealing a prayer about that week’s advent theme. This week’s theme is hope: the act of trusting and expecting God to fulfill His promises.

Reflect on God’s promises and take a moment to fix your heart on Jesus with this prayer.

An Advent Prayer on Hope:

God, as we head into December, we pause and remember all that You’ve done in our lives, our families, and our communities.
We praise You because You are the God who saves. You are Immanuel, God with us.
We thank You that our hope is in You, not in circumstances or people.
Because we hope in You, we are confident that You will fulfill Your promises to us.
Remind us today of what truly matters. Fix our hearts on You. Help us to see how You are working in the middle of our waiting.
Draw us closer to you this Christmas season, and prepare our hearts for the fulfillment of Your promises.

Make Advent prayers part of your Christmas tradition by checking back every Sunday. In the meantime, continue to reflect on Jesus’ birth by starting an Advent Plan:

Peace on Earth: A 5-Day Advent Devotional
Making Space – An Advent Devotional
Christmas Devotionals For Families
Advent: The Journey To Christmas
Wonders of His Love: An Advent Devotional Inspired by Christmas Carols
Emmanuel: God With Us, an Advent Devotional
King of Kings: An Advent Plan by New Life Church
Mary's Treasure

View More Advent Plans

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This Advent Prayer is the first in a series of four.
Week 1 – An Advent Prayer on Hope
Week 2 – An Advent Prayer on Peace
Week 3 – An Advent Prayer on Joy
Week 4 – An Advent Prayer on Love

Give thanks: God’s doing great things!

Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. - Psalms 29:2 - Verse Image

Let’s Give Thanks!

Because God relentlessly pursues us, people all over the world are turning to His Word and discovering His never-ending love for them. That’s worth celebrating!

Today, reflect on this Scripture, share it with your family and friends, and give thanks for the great things God is doing all around you.

You can make your own Verse Image in the Bible App, create one with Bible Lens, or tap below to share our special Thanksgiving Verse Image.

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When you were a kid, who looked out for you?

He is Father to the fatherless - Psalms 68:5 - Verse Image

Many people would probably answer that it was their parents. But if they weren’t around, hopefully a relative stepped in, or a neighbor, maybe even a teacher. But if no one was there for you… we’re so sorry. Children who need a family are near to God’s heart.

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans…

JAMES 1:27

Adoption is even addressed in the Bible. Moses was adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter. Esther was adopted by her uncle Mordecai after she was orphaned. And of course, Mary’s husband Joseph raised Jesus as his earthly father, even teaching him his trade. Learn more in this Plan:

God’s Got This: A Strategic Prayer Guide for Your Adoption Journey

Even if you don’t feel God calling you to adopt, there are still many ways you can help. The Plan below can help you decide whether your family might want to foster. Or you could provide clothes, food, or even money for an adoptive or foster family. You can offer respite care for families who need a break, or even just a date night. Many states have programs that invite volunteers to mentor kids, and some even ask for volunteers who can take children who are in state custody on educational activities.

Until Every Child Is Home: A 6-Day Devotional on Adoption and Foster Care

Everyone can do something. If you live in the U.S., you can start learning what you can do by visiting AdoptUSKids.org, or look up the Department of Human Services for your state. Also, if you follow Christ, don’t forget: you’re adopted, too!

Some people accepted him and put their faith in him. So he gave them the right to be the children of God.… God himself was the one who made them his children.

JOHN 1:12-13

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3 Ways You Can Build a Better World for Your Children

Family walking in a field

If you could return to your childhood, what would you change about it? What would you keep the same? If “grown-up-you” could travel back in time and give advice to the people who raised you, what would you tell them?

Asking yourself questions like these can help you envision the life you want to make for your family. Here are three things you can start doing today that will help you draw closer to one another, and toward God.

Define your family values together.

The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


Talk together about which character traits your family wants to be known for. Then, also together, brainstorm practical ways you could make that happen. For example, if you want to be known for “Joy,” you might print several pictures of your family’s happiest moments together and place them in strategic places around your house. Point them out to each other often, constantly reminding one another of pleasant memories. Commit together to regularly add new memories (and pictures!) to your collection.

Make “enjoying each other’s company” a habit.

Memorize his laws and tell them to your children over and over again. Talk about them all the time, whether you’re at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning.


Work, school, chores, activities: sometimes it feels like our schedules are in charge, rather than the other way around. There are certain things we have to do, so be intentional about making the time you have together both fun and meaningful. Taking the littles to school? Turn your drive into kids’ worship sing-along time. Sitting with one kid in the stands while another is at practice? Share a snack and ask about their day. Whatever you’re doing, offer to pray for your kids, then teach them how to ask God to guide your family — by being the example. Don’t over-spiritualize; just enjoy each precious minute you have together…as it’s happening.

Be intentional in how you use technology.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.


Do you catch yourself checking Instagram and Facebook several times a day? What if instead you showed your kids how to use technology to draw closer to God? Install the Bible App for Kids, then watch the stories together, and talk about them, together… rather than just handing off your phone. Find reading plans and devotionals in the Bible App that your family could do together, then choose “With Friends” and invite your spouse and kids to join.

Kids are a gift from God.

We all want to give our children every opportunity to reach their full potential. Your kids may not always do everything you tell them to. But, they will absolutely learn from the example you set for them in your everyday lives together. Create moments together that they’ll always cherish.

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