Let the Challenge Begin!

2019 Mid-Year Challenge - Woman reading Plan on tablet

One small choice could change your year.

No matter what your year has looked like so far, God is always here for you. He longs for you to draw near to Him.

God loves you… and so do we.

That’s why we do the Mid-Year Challenge: to help you reconnect with God in a deeply personal way and discover His plans for your life. There are six months left in 2019 — what would it look like if you made time with God a daily habit?

Let’s start the Mid-Year Challenge and find out.

2019 Mid-Year Challenge Badge

Between now and July 24, complete Bible Plan daily readings for seven days in a row, and you’ll earn our new 2019 Mid-Year Challenge Badge!

Start Challenge

Mid-Year Challenge Official Rules

Woman reading Plan on phone

Get Started…

If you haven’t already selected your first Plan for the Challenge, start one of the Plans suggested below. Consider inviting a few friends, or have Google Assistant or Alexa read your Plan to you. Then open the Plan’s settings, and set up your daily Plan reminder. That’s it!

A God Who Is Faithful
Conversations With God
Free Of Me: Why Life Is Better When It’s Not All About You
Relat(able): Making Relationships Work
Six Steps To Your Best Leadership
Live By The Spirit
How To Move Through Suffering And Come Back Stronger

Start Challenge

Coming Soon to a Bible App Near You…

2019 Mid-Year Challenge

How do you grow closer to someone? You spend time with them. You talk to each other. You learn about one another. That’s also how we draw closer to God: by investing time in His Word, listening to Him, and talking to Him through prayer. Maybe you’re a pro at this, or maybe you’re trying to develop in this area of your life.

Did you know that at this point in the year, many people start to drop off from spending daily time with God?

That’s why we do the Mid-Year Challenge.

Grow in your intimacy with God and keep your Bible reading on track, all while completing Plans you love.

Find Plans

How to Start:

Between July 8th and July 24th, when you complete Bible Plan daily readings for seven days in a row, you’ll earn our shiny new 2019 Mid-Year Challenge Badge!

Choose a Plan of any length, or continue an existing Plan. If your Plan ends before 7 days, simply start another one after that. Just complete at least one Plan day, every day, for seven days in a row! (And make sure you check off each day as “completed.”)

Completed Plan Day

If you complete 7 days in a row, you’ll earn the 2019 Mid-Year Challenge badge for your Bible App profile:

2019 Mid-Year Challenge Badge

Get Started:

The Mid-Year Challenge begins in a few days, so we suggest you start looking for Plans now.

When you find a Plan you think you’d enjoy, tap “Save for Later.” Or, even better…

Tap Start, select With Friends, set the start date for July 8, and invite some friends to join you!

Busy schedule? Not a big reader?

Have Google Assistant or Alexa read your Plan to you! Choose the ones you love. Voilà! You’re now ready for the Mid-Year Challenge.

Suggested Plans

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You were made for this.

Woman on laptop

God loves you so much. His Word says that He made you, that He has a plan for you, and that He has equipped you with everything you’ll need to fulfill it. (Eph. 2:10).

What’s your next step?

Has your relationship with God changed your life? If you want to grow spiritually, using your gifts to serve others is a powerful driver to do that.

“Be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.”


When you volunteer with YouVersion, your gifts can potentially serve millions of Bible App users every day. And getting started is easy. You can serve anytime, from anywhere. All you need is an Internet connection (desktop or mobile), and a passion for God’s Word and His people.

Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.

1 PETER 4:10

Find your place.

Support Volunteer. Help the Bible App community with technical issues, information requests, and more.

Picture of Support Volunteer

“I love connecting with Christians from all over the world, knowing that we’re all working together to grow God’s kingdom.”

Anna O.

Localization Volunteer. Are you fluent in another language? Help translate text from Bible Plans, emails, blog posts and more into other languages.

Picture of Localization Volunteer

“I love being a tiny wheel in God’s work in this world, giving people in Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia the opportunity to read Plans and be encouraged in their everyday lives. And God is working in me. With every new Plan, I learn something new. That’s the greatest thing: to find something new, to hide it in your heart, and to be changed by God so you can help change others.”

Tamara V.

Developer Volunteer. If you’re gifted at developing software, we have many ways you can help us with code.

Picture of Developer Volunteer

“I wanted everyone to have this Bible App so they would never feel lost and give up like I tried to. Till this day the Holy Spirit uses the Bible App to show me my faults, my good, and how much I am loved. I am redeemed but unfinished.”

Therese J.

Community Volunteer. Even if you’re not a “techie,” if you love the Bible App, you can help by serving other volunteers.

Faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”

JAMES 2:17-18

Don’t miss your chance.

Take part in this historical movement of God, happening now. By serving with YouVersion, you can help us fulfill what Jesus said was the greatest commandment: loving God and loving others. (Matt. 22:35-40) Unite with this global fellowship of believers, and take your place as an indispensable, life-giving part of the body of Christ.

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Is God leading you into full-time ministry?

We’re hiring for all kinds of roles, from software developers to graphic designers, and more.

Explore Careers

Plans: Freedom from Fear, Becoming like Jesus, & more:

Grow: Becoming More Like Jesus

Grow: Becoming More Like Jesus
Young Life, 5 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

The Reset

The Reset
Susan Deborahs, 7 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Psalm 40

Psalm 40
Sarah Mae, 7 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Finding Grace In Ephesians

Finding Grace In Ephesians
Stacey Thacker, 6 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Rise Of The Servant Kings

Rise Of The Servant Kings
Ken Harrison, 5 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Finding Freedom From Fear

Finding Freedom From Fear
Leadership Ministries Worldwide, 7 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Learnable Moments For Moms

Learnable Moments For Moms
Erin Greneaux, 9 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Encouragement For The Brokenhearted

Encouragement For The Brokenhearted
Leading And Loving It, 7 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Your Creativity, A Gift To The Body Of Christ

Your Creativity, A Gift To The Body Of Christ
Alabaster Co., 3 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Reading Galatians With Spurgeon

Reading Galatians With Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon, 13 days

Start Plan

Save for Later

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

Whether you call them Bible Plans, Reading Plans, or Devotionals, we offer Plans that cover a broad range of interests, including many in categories you may not have tried yet. Struggling with stress? Looking for wisdom for your relationships? Need a dose of hope or inspiration? Our Discover feature makes it easy and fun to find just the right Plans for the season of life you’re in!

Explore Plans

Should you celebrate Selfie Day?

Woman taking a selfie

Rediscover why you matter.

You were created in the image of God, and what better day to focus on that than National Selfie Day? Whatever you feel when you hear the word “selfie,” today we want to help you flip the selfie script.

Send a self-portrait through Bible Lens and watch it transform your selfie. See your self(ie) in a positive way, and encourage someone by sharing your discovery on social media. Tag us in your post and use #BibleLens so we can find yours.

Open Bible Lens