In the latest story from the Bible App for Kids, “A Roaring Rescue,” God shuts the mouths of lions to rescue Daniel! From Daniel 1:1–4 and Daniel chapter 6, when God’s people keep disobeying Him, their enemies carry them away to Babylon. But because Daniel continues trusting in God, he becomes a leader in their new country. Some of the other leaders are jealous of Daniel, so they pass a new law to try to get him in trouble with King Darius.
When Daniel says he will only worship the one true God, the bad leaders try to feed Daniel to lions. But because Daniel won’t bow, God won’t let him be lion chow. God sends an angel to close the lions’ mouths and keep Daniel safe. The next day, when King Darius sees how God protected Daniel, he punishes the bad leaders and orders all of his subjects to worship Daniel’s God: the one true God!
To get “A Roaring Rescue” right now, just open the Bible App for Kids and tap the new story icon. If you don’t have the Bible App for Kids yet, it’s easy to get, and it’s always free! Just click one of the buttons below.
The Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App™, designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on over 5 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world are now enjoying the Bible App for Kids — in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Brazilian Portuguese!
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As that New Year’s excitement begins to fade, are you losing traction on some of the healthy habits you started this year? Thankfully Easter is on the way, bringing with it another chance for renewal. Christians all over the world observe the 40 days leading up to our remembrance of Jesus’ resurrection as a time to reflect, repent, and prepare our hearts to celebrate new life.
Consider making the Bible an intentional part of your day, every day, between now and Easter Sunday. The most important things in our lives are best when we’re sharing them with others. Ask a family member or a friend — or several — to join you in a Bible Plan during Lent. Then each day, discuss what you’re discovering. Share your questions with each other, and encourage one another as you pursue greater devotion to Christ.
When you subscribe to a Bible Plan, the Bible App gives you a brief passage to read (or listen to) each day. Plans draw you into the Bible every day, helping you meditate on what God’s Word means in your life. Here are six Plans that can help you connect during Lent:
Lent for Everyone
N.T. Wright, 53 days
40 Days of Lent
Journey Church, 47 days
Devotions for Lent
Holy Bible: Mosaic, 46 days
ReThink Life
ReThink, 40 days
40 Days of Revival
Hillsong, 40 days
The 40-Day New Testament Challenge
Margaret Feinberg, 40 days
Don’t see what you’re looking for here? We have many more Plans to choose from:
In “Stones, Slings, and Giant Things,” the next story in the Bible App for Kids, David faces off against the giant Goliath! Based on 1 Samuel 16–17, kids will see God lead Samuel — the prophet from our story “A Voice in the Night” — to anoint the next king of Israel. God chooses the shepherd boy David, even though all of David’s brothers are bigger, stronger, and more qualified. That’s because most of us judge people based on what they look like — but God sees what’s inside a person’s heart.
Later, when David goes to visit his brothers at their battle against the Philistine army, it makes him angry to hear the rude things the Philistine champion Goliath is saying about God. Because David trusts in God, he goes to fight the giant Goliath with just five smooth stones and his trusty sling. With God’s help, David beats Goliath and becomes a hero to all of Israel!
If you already have the Bible App for Kids, all you need to do to get “Stones, Slings, and Giant Things” is open the Bible App for Kids and tap the new story icon. But even if you don’t have the app yet, getting it is easy — and it’s free! Just click one of the buttons below.
Already installed on more than 5 million devices, the Bible App for Kids comes from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App™. In partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids was designed specifically to provide your children with a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:
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Available now on both Apple and Android devices, it’s easier than ever to share from the Bible App to other apps — like Evernote, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Pocket, and more. Send a Bible passage to Evernote to meditate on it or memorize it. Save a video to Pocket to watch later. Sharing from iOS to Twitter got an upgrade, too. Now when you share a Bible Plan, your Tweet includes the image for that Plan (if it has one). Try it and see! Inside the Bible App:
What do you like to share? And Where?Love sharing what you’re up to in the Bible App? We want to hear from you! |