New Bible App for Kids Story: Parting the Red Sea & the Ten Commandments

The newest story for The Bible App for Kids, “God Makes a Way,” is available now! The first part of the story comes from Exodus 14. As God rescues the Israelites from Pharaoh, He miraculously leads them across the Red Sea on dry land, then releases the waters back onto the Egyptian army.


In the second part of “God Makes a Way,” God calls Moses up onto Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19), then sends him back to share them with His people (Exodus 20).


The next time you open the Bible App for Kids, you’ll see a new icon with stone tablets on it. Just tap it to download this new story. The Bible App for Kids is always completely free. If you don’t have it yet, we’ll tell you below how you can get it right now.

What’s the Bible App for Kids?

Already installed on more than 4 million devices, the completely free Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App™. Designed specifically to delight your children with a Bible experience all their own, here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:

The Bible App for KidsWebsite:

Apple: App Store:

Android: Google Play:

Kindle Fire: Amazon Appstore:


Have You Heard About La Biblia App para Niños?

Did you know the Bible App for Kids is also available in Spanish? La Biblia App para Niños brings the same fun interaction and delightful animation you’ve come to expect from the Bible App for Kids to children whose first language is Spanish. For your kids to experience La Biblia App para Niños, just set your device’s default language to Spanish. But La Biblia App para Niños is just the beginning—soon we’ll be announcing several more languages that are on the way! Tell your friends!

New Bible Plans from Oswald Chambers

YouVersion is thrilled to announce the addition of several new devotional Bible Plans based on the collected lifetime works of Oswald Chambers. Best known for the daily devotionals in his book, My Utmost for His Highest, Chambers’ writings have helped millions lead a more passionate walk with God.

Now My Utmost for His Highest and RBC Ministries have graciously partnered with YouVersion to bring an expanded collection of Chambers’ devotionals to you in the Bible App. Enjoy the simple, thought-provoking perspective that has engaged his readers for more than 80 years.


utmost-uversion-30My Utmost for His Highest

Discovery House Publishers, 30 days

Based on Oswald Chambers’ book of the same name, this plan features a selection of 30 timeless devotionals that include a prayer and corresponding Scripture.


Oswald Chambers: Hope – A Holy Promise

Discovery House Publishers, 30 days

A daily inspirational quote from Chambers and a related Bible passage challenge you with straightforward biblical wisdom.


Oswald Chambers: Prayer – A Holy Occupation

utmost-uversion-prayerDiscovery House Publishers, 30 days

Chambers’ insights about prayer inspire you to spend more time communicating with God, with each selection followed by questions for personal reflection.


Oswald Chambers: Peace – Life In The Spirit

Discovery House Publishers, 30 days

Each day, you’ll find a biblical principle about God’s peace followed by practical ideas to incorporate this divine peace into your everyday life.


Oswald Chambers: Joy – Strength In The Lord

utmost-uversion-joyDiscovery House Publishers, 30 Days

Chambers explores the true, lasting joy that comes from discovering—and living out—God’s purpose in our lives. Follow-up questions help you find practical application for this biblical wisdom.


More from RBC Ministries…

In addition to these Oswald Chambers Plans, the Bible App already offers several Bible Plans from RBC Ministries’ popular Our Daily Bread devotionals.  Search for “Our Daily Bread” inside the Plans section of the Bible App.

Brennan Manning and Bill Hybels inspire hope, bring clarity with new Bible Plans

Find the fuel you need in God’s Word.

Bible Plans are a great way you can connect with God’s Word every day. But don’t take our word for it. Try one of this month’s recommended plans and find out for yourself!

Case for Christ

Lee Strobel, 7 Days
Atheist and Chicago Tribune reporter Lee Strobel’s search for truth led him to a life transformed by Christ. In this 7-day plan, Strobel leads youthrough some of his investigation into Scripture that ultimately convinced him Jesus was exactly who he claimed.

Ragamuffin Reflections

Brennan Manning, 10 Days
This collection of honest, heartfelt devotions, selected from the works of bestselling author Brennan Manning, demonstrate through the truth of Scripture that not only does God love you—but he actually delights in you.


Bill Hybels, 10 Days
Pastor and author Bill Hybels identifies common issues that fill our lives with busyness and stress, then counters them with Biblical truth and practical advice that can help you find more energy, clearer purpose, and richer relationships.

7 Days to a Hope-Inspired Life

Nick Vujicic and Life Without Limbs, 7 Days
Born without arms or legs, motivational speaker and evangelist Nick Vujicic shares the unique perspective he’s discovered through a life of adapting and overcoming, along with key insights, inspiration, and hope from God’s Word.

Select Plans Designed for Youth, Kids, and Family

Looking for a plan to inspire your teen with Godly wisdom? Trying to teach your younger kids how they can put their faith in action? Or maybe as a parent you’re looking for these things for yourself! Each of these Bible Plans were developed specifically to help youth, kids, and family engage with the Scriptures:

Two New Bible App for Kids Stories: “A Baby and a Bush” and “Let My People Go”

The Bible App for Kids has two brand new stories, both available now! Based on passages from the book of Exodus in the Old Testament, “A Baby and a Bush” begins with the birth of Moses and follows him into Pharaoh’s household. Then as an adult, Moses learns God’s plan for his life when God speaks to him through a burning bush in the wilderness. ABabyAndABush_Scene5_FINAL In the second story, “Let My People Go,” we catch up with Moses again, as he urges Pharaoh to free God’s people. “Let My People Go” continues through the plagues in Egypt up until God triumphantly leads the Israelites to escape from their slavery.


If you already have the Bible App for Kids on your device, all you need to do to get these new stories is open the app and tap the icon for each one. But even if you don’t have the Bible App for Kids yet, we’ll tell you below how you can get it right away. (It’s always completely free.)

TIP: While each story takes just a few moments to download over a fast Wi-Fi connection, you might want to download them first—before you share them with your kids.

What’s The Bible App for Kids?

Already installed on more than 3.5 million devices, the completely free Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App. Designed specifically to give your children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own, here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:

The Bible App for Kids

Apple: App Store:

Android: Google Play:

Kindle Fire: Amazon Appstore:

Now Enjoy the Bible App for Kids in Spanish or English!

We want children all over the world to enjoy learning about God’s Word through fun interaction and delightful animation, no matter what language they speak. The Bible App for Kids is available now in English and Spanish, with several more languages coming soon. If you want your kids to experience the Bible App for Kids in the language of their heart, simply set your device’s default language to one of these two. But we’re just getting started. Tell your friends: we have many more stories—and languages—yet to come!

The Bible + Friendships = Amazing!

Ever since Bible App 5 launched, the YouVersion community has been sharing how much you enjoy interacting with friends right inside the app. Bible App 5 helps you engage with God’s Word more than ever before—through your relationships.


Invite Contacts

The latest Bible App update on Android and iOS lets you add friends straight from your device. Just tap “Friends” from the main menu, then [Find Friends]. The Bible App automatically suggests friends who already have YouVersion accounts. You can also tap “Contacts” to invite anyone in your contact list to download the Bible App.

Closer to God & Each Other

From all across the YouVersion community, stories are pouring in: people telling us how much they love and appreciate Bible App 5. But they’re not talking about icons or menus or features. No, what they’re excited about is what’s happening in their relationships—with God and with each other.

“This is the first time we’re reading the Bible together, so it’s bringing us closer, helping me to understand my husband better… helping make our marriage stronger.”

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“My husband and I have more accountability to be in the word on a daily basis. We use the Bible app to encourage one another and to grow together in our marriage in new ways. It’s hard to argue with someone or put them down when you know that they know what you have been reading in the Bible and have you are being challenged.”


“My unborn daughter was recently diagnosed with Spina-Bifida. We’ve been through a lot…Between the concern for our daughter, the constant moving around from house to house and hospital to hospital, and the financial strain, the Bible has been essential to our sanity. I have been sharing notes and highlights with my wife through this app…that has helped us stay together in our spiritual journey through these difficult times.”



Pro Tips

Here are three quick, easy ways the Bible App can help you connect with the Bible:

  • Subscribe to Verse of the Day. Let the Bible App bring God’s Word to you every day. Just specify what time, which Bible version you prefer, and whether you’d prefer a push notification or email.
  • Comment on Bookmarks and Highlights. Add your thoughts, questions, and discoveries to your own Bookmarks and Highlights, as well as to your Friends’ posts.
  • See Related Moments. Tap a verse to jump quickly to your previous Bookmarks, Highlights, Notes—and even other people’s Public Notes for that passage.