The newest story for The Bible App for Kids, “God Makes a Way,” is available now! The first part of the story comes from Exodus 14. As God rescues the Israelites from Pharaoh, He miraculously leads them across the Red Sea on dry land, then releases the waters back onto the Egyptian army.
In the second part of “God Makes a Way,” God calls Moses up onto Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19), then sends him back to share them with His people (Exodus 20).
The next time you open the Bible App for Kids, you’ll see a new icon with stone tablets on it. Just tap it to download this new story. The Bible App for Kids is always completely free. If you don’t have it yet, we’ll tell you below how you can get it right now.
What’s the Bible App for Kids?
Already installed on more than 4 million devices, the completely free Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App™. Designed specifically to delight your children with a Bible experience all their own, here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:
Apple: App Store:
Android: Google Play:
Kindle Fire: Amazon Appstore:
Have You Heard About La Biblia App para Niños?
Did you know the Bible App for Kids is also available in Spanish? La Biblia App para Niños brings the same fun interaction and delightful animation you’ve come to expect from the Bible App for Kids to children whose first language is Spanish. For your kids to experience La Biblia App para Niños, just set your device’s default language to Spanish. But La Biblia App para Niños is just the beginning—soon we’ll be announcing several more languages that are on the way! Tell your friends!