YouVersion in the UK Media

As the Bible App from YouVersion continues to break records with downloads (more than 12 million unique device installs, listed in iTunes’ 2010 Top Ten Reference Apps) and usage (more than 4 billion minutes read so far), we’ve been receiving positive press in all sorts of venues. We shared some others with you just a few weeks ago. Most recently, YouVersion was listed in some media outlets in the UK:

  • MSN Tech. How your mobile can save Christmas. 16 Christmas survival apps that will help you get through the big day. Featured App #10: YouVersion Bible App. “The world’s best selling book… over 20 languages… downloaded every 2.8 seconds… bookmark your favourite pages.”
  • Get the Bible on your mobile – for FREE! SheepDip offers resources for church communications, and they recently featured a free article for churches to use that focuses on the Bible App. “…attracted the attention of celebs, including Destiny’s Child and Strictly Come Dancing’s Michelle Williams, who’s a big fan who tweets about the app.”
We’re thrilled that people all around the world are experiencing and sharing what the Bible App has to offer. We love the Bible, and for us, that’s what it’s all about. God is reaching out to people everywhere, and we feel honored and humbled at YouVersion that we get to play a role in His plan to share the story of His love with them.

Zombies! Robots! Code! The Bible!

Now that we have the attention of the right people everywhere…

The Bible App™ is getting downloaded onto nearly 1 million mobile devices every month. That means two things:

  1. We’re getting close to helping people read the Bible on 12 million mobile devices!
  2. We could sure use some help

We’re looking for three amazing people to add to the YouVersion team:

Web Developer

YouVersion is looking for a PHP web developer that loves Jesus, the Bible, and MVC. View details.

Symbian Engineer

Phenomenal Symbian engineer with deep experience, ingenuity, and patience. This is Symbian, after all. (Must love puzzles.) View details.

User Support Coordinator

YouVersion is looking for an empathetic, technologically savvy leader to head-up our global support team. This team will be taking care of millions of Bible App users as they engage Scripture in new and exciting ways. View details.

Share the love. Whether you’re looking for yourself, or you know someone who you think would be great, keep checking our Jobs page. 2011 is going to be a huge year for YouVersion, and we’ll be adding more team members as we break new ground. Please tell your friends! Let people know we’re hiring! Thanks!

The Bible App for iPhone/iPad v 2.7 Released

The next version of the Bible App™ for iPhone and iPad, version 2.7, is now available in the iTunes app store and for download. We’re committed to continuing to make the Bible App as useful as possible. For this release, you’ll find several improvements, mainly to Reading Plans. Here are just a few of the highlights:

  • We’ve made Reading Plans even easier to use all around!
  • We added Categories to Reading Plans, so it’s much faster and easier to find specifically what you’re looking for.
  • Especially when you’re trying to read through the entire Bible, everybody misses a day here or there. So we’ve come up with a feature we call “Catch Me Up” that helps you get back on track with whatever plan you’re using. Check it out!

We’ve also made the Bible App faster and more stable, and we fixed a few bugs. If you don’t already have it on your iPhone or iPad, we’d love for you to try it and let us know what you think on our Facebook page or on Twitter. If you already have the Bible App on your device, just tap the Apps icon and select Updates to jump up to this newest version.

Join us for Global Share the Bible Day

Hopefully by now, you know that we love the Bible at YouVersion. We want to make the Bible as visible as possible this Christmas to remind the world of its true meaning: the gift of God’s only Son. We’re declaring all day Saturday, December 25, “Global Share the Bible Day.” We’d love for you to join us!

Spread the word. Please start letting your friends and acquaintances know now what we’ll be up to together. Invite as many people to join us December 25 as you can. Use word of mouth and online conversation. But first, let’s sweeten the deal: As a little “extra” incentive to get the word out, we’re excited to be able to offer a few lucky winners who post it online their choice between an iPad, an iPhone 4, or a Nexus S! (Check here for details.)

Set some reminders. All day on December 25, take every opportunity to share anything you love about the Bible. Tweet. Update your Facebook status. Change your blog or website home page. Visit with someone you meet. Just share! Here are a few ideas for things you could share:

  • Your faith. What has God done in your life?
  • Your favorite verse. Why? What does it mean to you?
  • The Christmas story. What’s your favorite part?
  • The Bible App. Tell people how they can get the Bible for free. (Hint: Send them to

But these are only suggestions. Don’t stop there. Wherever you are on December 25, whatever you’re doing, share what’s special to you about the Bible. If you share online (especially Twitter), please include the hash tag #Bible. The Bible App makes it really easy to share. But remember: This isn’t about the Bible App. It’s all about the Bible.

On December 25, let’s draw as much attention as we can to the Bible—the story of God’s love for us.

How to Link Your YouVersion Account to Twitter and Facebook

Linking your free YouVersion account to your social networks makes it really simple to use the Bible App™ to share your thoughts about verses you’re reading. You always have control over what you share—no surprises in your Twitter or Facebook feed. Linking is an easy way to share your faith with your friends.

And setting it up is easy. It literally takes just about a minute. Here’s all you have to do:

  1. Go to the website.
  2. Sign in to your free YouVersion account or, if you don’t have one already, sign up for one.
    Note: If you have an existing Facebook account, you can sign up quickly with the “Sign up with Facebook” button.
    Sign up
  3. Top Right: Click your Username, then Settings.
  4. Right: Select the Connected Accounts tab.
    Connected Accounts tab
  5. Twitter:
    • Select the Twitter tab.
    • Click the “Connect to your Twitter account” link.
      Note: If you’re not signed in, Twitter prompts you to sign in with your Twitter username and password.
    • Click [Allow]:
      Twitter Allow button
    • YouVersion connects your account to Twitter. (You can remove this connection at any time.)
  6. Facebook:
    • Select the Facebook tab.
    • Click the “Connect to your Facebook account” link.
      Note: If you’re not signed in, Facebook prompts you to sign in with your Facebook username and password.
    • Click [Allow].
    • YouVersion connects your account to Facebook. (You can remove this connection at any time.)

That’s it! You’re done, and you’re ready to let people know what you’re up to with YouVersion, anytime you feel like it, anywhere you are.