New in the Bible App for Kids: “In the Garden”: Peter Denies Knowing Jesus

Available now in the Bible App for Kids, “In the Garden” picks up where the story “A Goodbye Meal” left off. Based on the passages Matthew 26:31–75 and John 18:1–8, after Jesus finishes eating the Last Supper with His friends, they go on a nighttime walk toward a big garden. On the way, Jesus tells them that soon they will all run away and leave Him. One of Jesus’ friends, Peter, insists, “I will never leave you!” But Jesus tells Peter that before the sun comes up the next morning, Peter will say he doesn’t know Jesus — three times!


When they get to the garden, Jesus asks His friends to pray with Him. But because it’s very late at night, they are all so tired that they fall asleep, and Jesus talks to God by Himself. Jesus knows that bad men will be coming soon to take Him away, so He tells God, “Father, I wish there was another way… still, I will do just what you say.”

Just then an angry mob shows up with torches, waking up Jesus’ friends. Another one of Jesus’ friends who had left earlier during their Last Supper, Judas, is with them. Judas walks straight to Jesus and kisses Him — a secret signal for the temple police to arrest Jesus. Jesus tells them, “I’m the one you’re looking for,” and they all fall backwards onto the ground.


When they get up and grab Jesus to take Him to the religious leaders, everybody runs away except Peter. Instead, Peter sneaks after the crowd to see what will happen. Three different times during the night, people ask Peter if he is one of Jesus’ friends, and every time he tells them, “I don’t even know Him!” As soon as Peter realizes that he has denied Jesus three times — just as Jesus said he would — he begins crying.

If you already have the Bible App for Kids, all you need to do to get “In the Garden” is open the app and tap the new story icon. But even if you don’t have the app yet, getting it is easy — and it’s free! Just click one of the buttons below.


The Bible App for Kids icon

About the Bible App for Kids

Already installed on more than 8 million devices, the Bible App for Kids comes from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App. In partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids was designed specifically to provide your children with a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:

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October Featured Plans: Brian Houston, Craig Groeschel, North Point Ministries, & More

Craig Groeschel, 7 days 

Pairing excerpts from the book #struggles with daily devotionals, author and pastor Craig Groeschel helps steer you toward a Christ-centered life and away from dependence on technology.


Redeeming Pleasure

Jeremy Jernigan, 21 days 

Jernigan reveals God’s goodness through Scripture, showing how actively pursuing God will lead you toward that “life to the full” that Jesus promised.

One Minute Apologist –
Doubting Toward Faith

Bobby Conway and One Minute Apologist, 10 days 

Actively redirect your doubts toward faith, where you’ll discover more dependence on God, deeper empathy for others, and renewed inspiration to seek satisfying answers for life’s big questions.

Identity in Christ

Jeff Bethke, 7 days 

Following daily Scripture selections with questions for meditation, Jeff Bethke helps you understand the benefits — and expectations — of what it means that God has adopted you into His family.

STAY FIT: Strengthening Your Connection to Jesus
North Point Ministries, 30 days 

The staff of North Point Ministries shows how focusing on our most important relationship — with Jesus — helps us lead others into relationship with Him.

Live Love Lead
Brian Houston, 14  days 

Founding and Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church Brian Houston shares biblical principles of life, love, and leadership that will help you follow the unique roadmap your Creator has set before you.

A New Way to Share God’s Word:


For years now, has been the best place to direct people who wanted to experience the Bible for themselves. And while will always be available, today we’re pleased to announce another simple option: You read that right. is a web page, one of the very first to use the all-new top-level domain recently announced by YouVersion partner American Bible Society: .bible. Just as “.com” is for commercial business, “.edu” is for educational institutions, and “.gov” is for government agencies, “.bible” is dedicated to becoming a trusted online source for all things Bible. is simple to use and simple to remember. Anytime you meet someone curious about the Bible, just tell them about No matter what device they use to visit, will direct them to where they can most easily install the Bible App.

Visit Now


Help us spread the word about the newest, easiest way to share God’s Word:



Do you have a Bible-based website?

Your site may be eligible for a .bible domain. Visit for details.


5 Easy Ways to Get More Bible in Your Day


We could all use more inspiration, more direction, and more meaning in our lives. For most Christians, we know there’s no better daily source of insight than the Bible. (It is God’s inspired Word, after all.) Of course, just deciding that you want to read the Bible more is the easy part. Actually making that commitment stick is where it starts getting tricky.

That’s where we come in: Each day for the next five days, we’ll reveal one more easy thing you can start doing right now — today — to get you started. Ready? Let’s do this!


Turn our Verse of the Day into your Chapter of the Day.

One super-easy way to connect with Scripture every day is to read the Bible App’s Verse of the Day. But when a verse encourages you, what was its context? What happened before? And where do those ideas lead from here? Getting the rest of the story is actually pretty straightforward. Just tap the Verse of the Day, then tap [Read full chapter]. More Scripture = More Inspiration!

Don’t see Verse of the Day in your Home feed?
Tap Menu > Verse of the Day




When the Word inspires you, create art that inspires others.

Often when you read Scripture, the Holy Spirit speaks. Are you listening? As you’re reading that chapter in the Bible App each day, pay attention to what it’s making you feel. Did a particular phrase speak to you? Was it joy? Conviction? Peace? Power? When those moments happen — and they will — make a Verse Image that expresses your inspiration. Just tap the verse, tap the Verse Image icon, and follow the prompts. And once you’ve put the finishing touches on that work of Bible art, share it with friends!




Make Plans with Friends.

So much of what we end up talking about with friends feels shallow. But when you invite a friend (or a few) to share your spiritual journey, you’ll find yourselves discussing things that actually matter. What does this passage mean? Why does this particular thing seem so important to God? How can we put this into practice? Use the Bible App to find a Plan you’d like to read together, then commit to talk about each day’s reading. Here are some great ones to get you started:

Wabide-godspurposehat Is God’s Purpose For My Life?
from Abide, 3 days

godspurposeUnderstanding God’s Purpose
from Ligonier Ministries, 5 days

findpurposeinworkFind Purpose In Your Work
from Abide, 3 days


How To Maximise Your Life
from Hillsong, 31 days


Discover God’s Dream For You
from Jennie Allen, 5 days


Better Together
from Rick Warren, 24 days


Discerning God’s Will
from Ligonier Ministries, 9 days


What to do When You Don’t Know What to do
from Dr. David Jeremiah, 7 days


Beginning a Relationship with Jesus
from David Dwight and Nicole Unice, 7 days





Play God’s Word as the soundtrack for your day.

It can be so easy to just press snooze…for the third time. Probably because you know that as soon as your feet touch the floor, you won’t get to stop moving again until bedtime. School, work, friends, family, food, sleep, repeat. So why not invite God along, whatever you’re doing? Listen to audio Bibles on the go. On the Read tab, just tap the speaker icon.

Don’t see a speaker icon?
Tap your current Bible version, then select a different version
(one that has a speaker icon next to it).



Set “Hear from God” on your calendar… as a daily event.

When you really like a show, you manage to find time to watch. We make time for the things we value. Set a goal to connect with the Bible every day. (Five minutes a day is plenty to start.) If you’ll just stick with it, it will become a habit. Don’t worry if you’ve been inconsistent in the past or if you miss a day; that’s okay. Just start small, today. Give God some time to speak to your heart. Set up just one of these, right now:

Subscribe to the Verse of the Day.
Set up a Bible Plan to email you every day.
Set a calendar reminder to pop up every day at a time that works for you.



About the Bible App

The Bible App has been installed on more than 190 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App offers more than 1,000 Bible versions, in more than 770 languages. And it’s always completely free.

New Bible App icon


Now Your Children Can Experience the Bible App for Kids in French!

More than 220 million people around the world speak French. And according to a recent survey, 1.6 million families in the U.S. said that French is the primary language they speak at home. Ever since we added French to the Bible App almost five years ago, millions of you have been actively participating in the worldwide YouVersion community. Today, together with our partner OneHope, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the Bible App for Kids in French: La Bible App pour les Enfants. Now, more children than ever have the opportunity to enjoy a Bible experience all their own.

And with our all-new language selector, now you can select French as your language of choice — from directly inside the Bible App for Kids! Simply update your app to the most current release, then look under Settings for “Language.” You can choose between Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Korean, Russian, and Spanish. The audio will play in that language, and any text will appear in that language, too!

Please help us celebrate this great news!


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About the Bible App for Kids

The Bible App for Kids is the newest app from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App, designed to give children a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Developed in partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids has already been installed on over 8 million Apple, Android, and Kindle devices, and it’s always completely free. Kids from all over the world are now enjoying the Bible App for Kids — in Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, English, Korean, Spanish, Russian, and now in French!

Get it now

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