1 Million+ Verse Images shared, now with more backgrounds

Verse Images are the easiest way yet for you to share Bible verses as inspiring pictures — directly from the Bible App! Almost as soon as Verse Image launched, it proved to be one of the most popular features in YouVersion history. In less than two weeks, you and hundreds of thousands of Bible App Friends from all around the world had already shared more than one million Verse Images!

Important Note: To use Verse Images, you’ll need to make sure your device’s operating system is up-to-date, and that you have the most current Bible App release.

Verse Images already featured 60 backgrounds and seven predesigned verses. And thanks to the generosity of YouVersion partner Lightstock, you now have more than 20 additional gorgeous backgrounds to choose from. Also, still to come from The Verses Project, look for over 100 more amazing predesigned verses.

Tip: When you tap a verse that features a predesigned Verse Image, here’s how you choose it:


About the Bible App

The Bible App™ has been installed on more than 170 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App offers more than 1,000 Bible versions, in more than 770 languages. And it’s always completely free.

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iOS Actionable Notifications

Actionable Notifications

Now on Apple devices, when the Bible App sends you a notification, you can swipe on it to take action, even right from the lock screen. When one of your Friends adds a Bookmark inside the Bible App, you can swipe the notification and tap Like or Comment. You can even accept Friend requests without having to open the Bible App.  Next time you receive a notification from the Bible App give it a try!

Actionable Notifications


Just in Time for Palm Sunday: Jesus Rides into Jerusalem in “The Donkey and the King”

“The Donkey and the King” is the newest story in the Bible App for Kids. Your kids will love learning about the first Palm Sunday, when Jesus fulfills Old Testament prophecy by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. Based on Matthew 21:1–11, John 12:16–19, and Luke 19:36–40, Jesus rides into the city as crowds cheer, laying palm tree branches and their cloaks on the road in front of him to welcome Him. They’re hoping that He is the Messiah, the “Promised One” from God that they’ve been waiting for.

Palm Sunday: The Crowd Welcomes Jesus to Jerusalem

But not everyone is happy. The Pharisees are jealous at how much the people like Jesus. They tell Jesus that He should tell the people to stop cheering for Him. But Jesus tells them that if the people don’t cheer and shout, then the rocks will cry out!

The Pharisees are Jealous of Jesus

If you already have the Bible App for Kids, all you need to do to get “The Donkey and the King” is open the Bible App for Kids and tap the new story icon. But even if you don’t have the app yet, getting it is easy — and it’s free! Just click one of the buttons below.

The Bible App for Kids icon

About the Bible App for Kids

Already installed on more than 6 million devices, the Bible App for Kids comes from YouVersion, makers of the Bible App™. In partnership with OneHope, the Bible App for Kids was designed specifically to provide your children with a delight-filled Bible experience all their own. Here are all the places where you can get the Bible App for Kids:


Get it now


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The Bible App Has a New Look

When the Bible App debuted in Apple’s App Store in 2008, the mobile landscape looked a lot different. YouVersion’s Bible App was one of only 200 free apps in that first store, offering Bibles in just two languages and a single Reading Plan. The worldwide YouVersion community has come a long way since then.

Now the Bible App has been installed on more than 170 million unique iOS, Android, and Kindle devices (among others). Today’s Bible App offers more than 1000 Bible versions, in over 750 languages. And with hundreds of Bible Plans (and more being added all the time), the Bible App truly makes it easier than ever to connect with God’s Word anytime, anywhere.

Of all the changes we’ve introduced over the years, one of the Bible App’s most recognizable features — our icon — has only changed once, when we gave it a facelift in 2011. It’s time. Today we announce our cleanest, highest definition, easiest-to-read icon yet:

New App Icon

During these past seven years, God has already done more amazing things than we could ask, think, or even imagine. Best of all: we’re only getting started.

An All-New Way to Share What Inspires You


Now for the first time ever, you can share a Bible verse — as an image — from directly inside the Bible App on your Apple or Android device. Did a verse encourage you today? Inspire you? Or even challenge you? Share it with your friends as an image. It’s easy!

On Apple Devices:

From inside the Bible App:

  1. Tap the passage you want to share.
  2. Tap the Share icon.
  3. Tap Image.
  4. Choose from dozens of beautiful, high-resolution backgrounds.
  5. Customize your image with fonts, colors, and other effects.
  6. Share your verse image directly into your Bible App Home feed, as an SMS or email message, or on social media.

On Android Devices:

From inside the Bible App:

  1. Tap the passage you want to share.
  2. Tap the Image icon.
  3. Choose from dozens of beautiful, high-resolution backgrounds.
  4. Customize your image with fonts, colors, and other effects.
  5. Share your verse image directly into your Bible App Home feed, as an SMS or email message, or on social media.


In addition, many verses contain pre-designed verse images with special text artwork. When you select one of these, you are able to simply share it from there without needing to do anything else!



About the Bible App

The Bible App™ has been installed on more than 170 million unique devices, all over the world. Developed by YouVersion, the Bible App offers more than 1,000 Bible versions, in more than 770 languages. And it’s always completely free.

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